15 Types Of People You Should Never Trust In Life

There are just some not-so-awesome facts about life: taxes exist, the matriarchy doesn’t, and you can’t trust everyone who crosses your path. Unfortunately, there are a lot of untrustworthy people in the world. Whether they’re doing it consciously or subconsciously, you need to be super careful about who you’re letting into your circle. Some you can tell right away and some you can’t, either way, it’s good to brush up on all the types so you’re fully prepared when you meet them IRL.

1. Constant Complainers

couple conversation

If you’ve been around the Debbie Downers of the world, then you know how horrible it can be. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a minor or major inconvenience, this person will find any way to be negative. Sure, you can try to drown it out but a constant flow of pessimism does a lot to your mood, and not in a good way. Try hanging out with uplifting people, you’ll have a better time (promise).

2. Gossips

two male colleauges studying something on laptopiStock/alvarez

People who gossip are a lot like complainers, except they’re wrapped in a seemingly more fun package. Being in the know of the hot gossip might feel exciting for a minute, but engaging in negative chatter (that probably isn’t even true) creates a toxic environment. Plus, you do not want to be associated with the town tattle. Trust us.

3. Energy Vampires

Tired caucasian man sitting on bed. Concept of bad morning at home alone or insomnia

If you don’t know anyone who falls under this category, 1. you’re lucky, and 2. be forewarned. These are the types of people who will talk your ear off about their financial, marital, and overall life woes without stopping for breath. It’s common to leave situations with vampires feeling completely emotionally and physically drained. Since garlic only works on real vampires, it’d be best for you to just stay far away.

4. Fair-Weather Friends

male and female friend talking outside

You know the kind: they’re there for the good times, and go AWOL when you need them most. Relying on them isn’t the best idea because the sad truth is that these people only care about getting what they need and have no regard for the needs of others. In other words: they’re unreliable, flaky, and inconsistent and you’re always going to be left feeling abandoned and unsupported.

5. One-Uppers

Female psychologist talking to young man during session.

The last time we checked, it wasn’t a competition. But these types of people aren’t dialed into this secret. If you played volleyball in high school, they played varsity volleyball in middle school. If your marathon time was amazing, they ran a better time. If you love a band, they have a friend-of-a-friend who knows the lead singer. The point is, you’re never going to win, let alone celebrate your wins when there’s someone constantly trying to beat you.

6. Oversharers

Loving couple packing clothes into travel bag. Boyfriend and girlfriend preparing for the trip.

Remember that party you went to where that one stranger was acting like your best friend all night? You were a little creeped out right? Well, there’s a reason for that. Being nice is one thing, but forcing intimacy onto someone you barely know is problematic. Relationships take time and people who don’t respect that will often cross your boundaries. Hard pass.

7. “Yes” People

Happy smiling young man standing in snow covered winter landscape showing a Thumbs-Up - OK Hand Sign towards the camera, Selective Focus on Face. Millennial Generation Winter Outdoor Portrait.

The thing with people who always agree with you is that you’ll never really know who they are. You’ll find yourself wondering things like: do they really think that? Or are they just saying that to keep the peace? Because you don’t know who they authentically are, you’ll never fully trust them. Besides, it’s healthy and vital to have supportive people who will disagree with you and tell you “no” when you need to hear it. So stick with that crew.

8. Social Chameleons

There’s an interesting type of individual who will act one way around you and a completely different way around other people. We’re not talking about a small behavior change like going from being loud in small groups to being quieter in big groups. We’re talking about full-on personality changes. Whether it’s to impress people or fit in, the truth is, you’ll never really know who this person is. So it’s just best to not get to know them at all.

9. Toxically Positive People

goofy woman giving peace sign

In our experience, the most “positive” people are actually the complete opposite. When someone has to shove happiness, positivity, sunshine, and rainbows down your throat, that’s a red flag. You’re human, which means you’re allowed to have some bad days or just “meh” days, and surrounding yourself with people who don’t understand that range of emotions isn’t worth it.

10. Dramatic People

There’s always that one person who treats every minor inconvenience as a sign that the world is ending. Yeah, bad stuff happens and it does suck but there comes a time when you have to pick yourself up and move on. Dramatic people aren’t great at that—they’ll dwell on things ad nauseam, bringing in unnecessary stress. So beware and if you do find yourself in a situation where you can’t avoid them? Don’t spill any milk—because they’ll definitely cry over it.

11. People Who Complain About Their Partners

man upset on end of bed, girlfriend behind

Every relationship has its problems, we’re not denying that. But airing out your and your partner’s dirty laundry isn’t the move. It’s disrespectful and icky behavior—plus, if they’d treat their partner that way, imagine how they’d treat you.

12. People With No Self-Awareness

The type: the guy who yells on the phone in the doctor’s office’s waiting room or the woman who doesn’t see the line and cuts it. The problem with this kind of person is that they’re really hard to change—first because they don’t even know they’re doing it. Second, even if you try to address it and tell them how their behavior affects others, they won’t hear you. Don’t waste your breath on someone who is incapable of reflecting and taking responsibility for their behavior.

13. People Who Lack Empathy

Man rolling his eyes and blocking his ears.

If someone has trouble putting themselves in your shoes, they’re probably not going to do things that are in your best interest. They’ll engage in hurtful behaviors and then claim it wasn’t “personal,” it was just something they needed to do—but you don’t need that energy in your life. It’s cold and calculating and no thank you.

14. People Who Won’t Take No For An Answer

two women chatting in a cafe

Say it with us: BOUNDARIES. These people have a real problem with this and will continue to disrespect them if you don’t nip this relationship in the bud. Be careful though, because these people are often pretty charming and crafty at getting you to do what they want. So just stand your ground, say no, and see how their attitude changes when you do.

15. People Who Talk Badly About Others

woman with head in hands

Let’s be real: if they’re saying it to you, they’re probably saying it about you. What we mean is, that if a person is willing to be friends with someone to their face and then talk badly behind their back, they’re going to do it to you, too. Two-faced people are not the vibe.

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