18 Habits That Reveal You’ve Got Major Emotional Baggage

We all carry some emotional baggage from past experiences. While it’s perfectly normal, sometimes that baggage gets a little too heavy. If your old wounds seem to affect your present day relationships and happiness, it’s time to lighten the load. Below are some subtle (and not-so-subtle) habits that reveal hidden emotional weight. The sooner you recognize the problem, the sooner you can start working on resolving it.

1. You have a hair-trigger temper.

two colleagues arguing in officeiStock

Freaking out over tiny inconveniences, or lashing out at loved ones over nothing might mean unprocessed anger is bubbling beneath the surface. Notice if your reaction matches the situation, or if it feels way out of proportion – that’s a clue something deeper is going on. Anger in itself isn’t bad, but how we handle it matters, Psychology Today points out.

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2. You hold grudges for far too long.

Can’t let go of that petty argument from years ago? Holding on to resentment keeps you stuck in the past and harms you more than the other person. Forgiveness isn’t about condoning what happened, it’s about releasing yourself from the burden of carrying it around.

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3. You’re always the victim.

Couple arguing planning a separation after infidelity crisis

If you constantly feel like everyone is out to get you, it’s tough to build trusting relationships. It might be time for self-reflection about how your past influences how you interpret the present. Sometimes, bad things do happen, but if it feels like a constant pattern, a shift in perspective might be needed.

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4. You take everything personally.

Someone cuts you off in traffic and you ruin your own day? Reacting strongly to minor things can be a sign of insecurity or past hurts. It’s helpful to ask yourself, “Is this really about them, or is this tapping into an old wound in me?”

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5. You can’t handle constructive criticism.

Even well-intentioned feedback feels like a personal attack? This defensiveness might stem from past experiences where criticism wasn’t constructive. Try separating feedback on a specific task from feedback on you as a person. Not all criticism is valid, but developing a thicker skin can make you more resilient.

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6. You avoid conflict at all costs.

If you’ll do anything to keep the peace, it might mean you haven’t learned healthy ways of expressing disagreement, Healthline reveals. This can lead to resentment and feeling like a doormat. Remember, conflict can be constructive! Learning assertive communication skills is a game-changer.

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7. You’re a serial people-pleaser.

Constantly needing everyone’s approval likely means your sense of worth is tied to external validation. Unpacking where that need comes from is key to breaking the cycle. Hint: it probably has roots in your childhood and the messages you received back then.

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8. You have a hard time setting boundaries.

Close up of Upset Young Couple having Conversation

Saying “yes” when you mean “no” is a recipe for burnout and resentment. It might stem from a fear of rejection or past experiences where your boundaries weren’t respected. Think of boundaries as self-care! It’s okay to prioritize your own needs and well-being.

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9. You self-sabotage.

Unconsciously ruining good relationships, opportunities, etc.? It might be a defense mechanism to avoid getting hurt again, but it’s incredibly self-destructive. If you recognize this pattern, it’s a sign you’re ready to do the deeper work of figuring out why you do this.

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10. You crave drama and chaos.

Is your life always one crisis after another? This could mean you’re unconsciously repeating old patterns or seeking the intensity of negativity because it feels strangely familiar. While a little excitement is good, constantly needing that adrenaline rush can be a sign of avoiding underlying emotional issues.

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11. You’re incredibly jealous or controlling in relationships.

These behaviors often stem from insecurity rooted in past hurt or unmet emotional needs. It’s unfair to your partner and harmful to the relationship. Building healthy self-esteem and working on any unresolved trust issues in yourself is key to overcoming this.

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12. You have major trust issues.


Struggling to believe anyone has good intentions makes it hard to form truly deep connections. This could stem from past betrayals or difficult childhood experiences. Remember, not everyone is out to hurt you. Start small – trusting people with little things and gradually work your way up.

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13. You’re terrified of being abandoned.

Clinging to people, or pushing them away pre-emptively, are attempts to control an outcome you deeply fear. This often comes from past losses or unpredictable relationships. It’s important to learn that you can survive heartbreak, and building a support system of reliable friends helps too.

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14. You jump from one intense relationship to another.


Are you literally never single? That whirlwind romance might feel exciting, but it could be avoiding the quiet where you’d actually have to deal with your own inner stuff. Taking some time to focus on yourself post-breakup can be transformative, and help you spot red flags sooner next time.

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15. You’re an emotional rollercoaster.

Intense ups and downs that leave those around you confused indicate emotional dysregulation. This often comes from unprocessed feelings or coping mechanisms that no longer serve you. Therapy can give you tools to manage these big emotions in healthier ways.

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16. You struggle with addiction or unhealthy coping mechanisms.

Turning to substances, overeating, excessive gaming, etc., to numb out difficult emotions is a sign of deeper pain that needs attention. Seeking professional help is absolutely vital. There’s no shame in needing help to replace unhealthy patterns with ones that actually do help you cope.

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17. You have recurring nightmares or intrusive thoughts.

Your subconscious is trying to process something your waking mind can’t yet handle. Past trauma can manifest in these distressing ways. A therapist specializing in trauma can help you work through these experiences and find relief.

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18. You feel chronically anxious, depressed, or hopeless.

blonde woman serious looking at camera

It’s more than just a bad mood – carrying heavy emotional baggage can seriously impact your mental health, per the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Seeking professional support is crucial. Therapy, medication, or a combination can make a huge difference in restoring your well-being.

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Originally from Australia, Emma Mills graduated from the University of Queensland with a dual degree in Philosophy and Applied Linguistics before moving to Los Angeles to become a professional matchmaker (a bit of a shift, obviously). Since 2015, she has helped more than 150 people find lasting love and remains passionate about bringing amazing singletons together.

Emma is also the author of the upcoming Hachette publication, "Off the Beaten Track: Finding Lasting Love in the Least Likely of Places," due out in January 2025.