The Fine Line Between Realism And Pessimism & How To Tell The Difference

The Fine Line Between Realism And Pessimism & How To Tell The Difference ©iStock/mauro_grigollo

You know how people explain the difference between optimists versus pessimists by whether they see the glass half full or half empty? Well, sometimes there’s another way of seeing things. Sometimes, a person just sees things exactly the way they’re presented, and that doesn’t necessarily make them a pessimist — it makes them a realist. Life is hard and it’s full of ups and downs. Crappy things do happen, and there are always going to be difficult situations, but it’s all about perspective. Here are 7 differences between a realist and a pessimist, because it’s a very fine line sometimes.

  1. Realists accept their flaws; pessimists put themselves down over them. Attitude and perspective is everything. If you’re a pessimist, then you have negative thoughts that won’t go away no matter what the odds are. If you’re a realist, you are just coming to terms and accepting a situation rather than feeling like it was yours or someone else’s fault.
  2. Realists know that no one’s perfect; pessimists put others down because of their own shortcomings. Misery loves company. A pessimist is intentionally being negative and spreading their negative opinions to people all the time. There’s no room for people like this in your life, because bad moods are contagious and they can and will affect you at some point.
  3. Realists look at situations logically; pessimists automatically assume the worst. If you’re a doctor, then you look at the symptoms and the diagnosis. If you’re a mathematician, then you look at the numbers and the formulas. Either way, we’re only human and we have feelings, but we don’t need let those get in the way of the facts. Realists look at facts and are able to separate their feelings and opinions from those facts. It doesn’t necessarily mean they are being pessimistic, they’re just being realistic.
  4. Realists respect differences in opinion; pessimists see disagreements as personal attacks. Often times, bad moods are linked to emotional ties. When something happens and it strikes a nerve in your painful past, then it can cause someone to become negative and pessimistic. Realists aren’t emotionally invested in stating their opinions, and they know how to neutral to the situation. Pessimists typically have some sort of connection to a situation that may bring up unresolved issues from their lives.
  5. Realists combat issues head-on; pessimists often feel hopeless and lost. We all need something in our loves to keep us going during a crisis: faith, hope, love, or whatever it is that pulls you through. However, pessimists don’t use those extra resources; they just see a hopeless case. Realists don’t call it a hopeless case, but instead, just a case that they have to deal with.
  6. Realists know that this too will pass; pessimists throw in the towel. With the loss of hope, it’s very easy to give up and give in. Pessimists tend to go down this path. This isn’t to say that they can’t pull themselves out of it. After all, it is the mindset which holds us back. Attitude adjustments can change the whole game, but realists don’t quit. They accept things and move forward.
  7. Realists look for creative ways to solve their problems; pessimists remain stagnant because they think it’s unfixable. A realist will find another solution or they just adapt. Pessimists will continue to be negative and take no action because they have no motivation and see no point in trying. They hold onto bitterness because it’s the easy way out.
Lindsey is a Digital Advertising Professional and Freelance Writer based in New York City. In her spare time, she enjoys running, traveling, and drinking ridiculous amounts of coffee. Follow her on Twitter @lindseyruns