Fall Is The Best Season To Be Single, So Enjoy Your Solitude

The air gets cooler, the leaves turn colors, and it’s finally sweater weather. Gone are the days of drinks on the patio and lounging by the pool. Summer is officially over and your summer fling has come to an end. But fall is upon us, and what better time to be single?

  1. It’s the perfect time to focus on yourself. There’s so much going on in the summer and you probably didn’t have much time for yourself. With fewer social events to take up your time, you can finally start that project you’ve been putting off, volunteer at that place down the street, or take a self-reflective hike with the most beautiful fall foliage?
  2. Peak travel season is over. With most people planning their vacations during the summer months, flight prices tend to drop in the fall. With no attachment, you’re free to take off and travel without having to consult someone else. There couldn’t be a better time to plan a girls’ trip or take some time to explore another country on your own.
  3. No silly couple costumes. Let’s be honest — does anyone actually enjoy coordinating a costume with their significant other? It may look cute, but it’s a pain in the ass to agree on a costume, and you know it’s going to cause an argument and you’re likely going to be wearing something you don’t like. When you’re single for Halloween, you can be whatever you want. And you can wear (or not wear) whatever you want without your boyfriend giving you flack.
  4. You can finally be productive. Fall is the perfect time to catch up on all those things you’ve been putting off. It’s time to knock off everything on your to-do-list that never got done during the summer.
  5. You can wear comfy clothes. You don’t have to worry about dressing up for dates or trying to impress the new man you’re seeing. When you’re single in the fall, you can stay in guilt-free with a big sweater and slippers. No judgement!
  6. You don’t have to juggle multiple Thanksgivings. You won’t be having any fights this year about whose parents you’re visiting for Thanksgiving. You’re usually pretty turkey-ed out after one Thanksgiving with your family. You love them, but they can be a little much. Imagine having to do it all over again with his family afterwards. No thanks!
  7. Boots. Everyone loves boot seasons, and there’ll be no one yelling at you for spending more money on shoes. Not to mention that without someone else to spend on, you can treat yourself to something a little extra.
  8. It’s time for the season premieres of all the best TV shows. Everyone knows that all the best TV series premiere in the fall. You’ll never be lonely with Hulu, Netflix, and a glass of wine.
  9. Oktoberfest. Where there’s beer, there’s men. You can go out to Oktoberfest and have as much fun as you want, flirt with whoever you want, and drink as much as you want.Ah, heaven!
  10. The blankets are all yours. There’s nothing worse than waking up in the middle of a cold autumn night freezing cold because your man is hogging the blankets. You’ll never have to experience a frozen numb arm that didn’t get the blankets. You can sleep with as many blankets as you want and you can hog them all for yourself.
  11. Beards. There are two types of girls in this world — the ones who love beards on men, and the ones who hate them. With Movember coming up, those who love the beards are free to bask in a sea full of bearded men and enjoy the eye candy without making their boyfriends jealous. Those who hate them can rest assured that they don’t have to make out with a bearded boyfriend for an entire month.
  12. There are plenty more fish in the online sea. With our tendency to hibernate in the cold weather, we’re likely going to be spending more time meeting people online than when we go out. Men are thinking the same thing. Fall is filled with a new influx of online daters for you to mingle with and maybe even end up dating.
  13. Comfort foods are abundant. You can indulge without a boyfriend pointing out the few extra pounds you’ve gained. No one has to see you naked, so you can feel free to eat a little extra at Thanksgiving and drink as many pumpkin spice lattes as you want.
  14. It’s the perfect time to get in shape. Now that the humidity is gone, there’s no better time to start running. Gyms will be offering fall specials, so you have no excuses to ditch that workout class. And you’re only cooking for one, so you won’t have to worry about overeating (unless, of course, those comfort foods are around).
  15. You don’t need to shave your legs. You’ve likely already packed up your skirts and shorts for the summer. No one sees your legs when they’re covered with pants, right? The amazingness that comes with not having to shave your legs is pretty self-explanatory.
Suzanne is a twenty something living in Toronto, Canada. When she doesn't have her professional pants on from 9-5, she is getting lost in a good book, a yoga class, or a tall glass of wine.
She has a severe case of the travel bug, a serious love affair with food and will never say no to puppy-sitting.