Reporter Hit By Projectile Vomit Live On Air During 4th Of July Party

Reporter Hit By Projectile Vomit Live On Air During 4th Of July Party

A news reporter was soaked in projectile vomit while covering a 4th of July party live on air. KTLA’s Wendy Burch was covering a yearly tradition in the South Bay of Los Angeles called the Hermosa Beach Iron Man, which requires participants to run a mile, paddle a mile in the ocean, and then chug a full six-pack of beer. As you can imagine, that causes quite a few problems…

  1. To be fair, Wendy Burch is an incredibly good sport. While many people would be outright disgusted and lose their cool when being sprayed with some meathead’s beer vomit, Burch takes it in her stride and kinda laughs it off like a consummate professional. Sure, she does give a little shriek of shock, but I think she handles it incredibly well. Much better than I would, that’s for sure!
  2. Thankfully, she wasn’t fully covered in it. While there’s no amount of vomit that’s a good amount of vomit, most of the spew goes all over the shirtless gentleman with the handlebar mustache that Burch is interviewing. He also seems completely and utterly unphased by the splash, some of which sorta sprays off him and onto her.
  3. The anchors back at the studio are especially hilarious. It’s clear they’re trying (and sorta failing) to keep a straight face, but more than anything, I’m pretty sure both of them are just glad they weren’t in Wendy Burch’s shoes at that exact moment. It’s almost like something you’d expect to see in a Saturday Night Live sketch or something!
  4. After the incident went viral, Wendy Burch wrote a blog post about the experience. “You know… I once had a nightmare about reporting live, in the middle of a mosh pit. with hundreds of sweaty men throwing up all around me. To all of you aspiring journalists out there, I’m here to tell you, dreams really do come true… especially in the age of viral videos,” she wrote. Ha! You’re the best, Wendy!

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