Man Wraps Neighbors Car In Plastic For Stealing His Parking Space

A British man was so furious about cars blocking the private driveway and using the parking spot outside of his house that he retaliated in the pettiest but most hilarious way possible: he wrapped the neighbor’s car entirely in plastic. Tobe Bailey, 49, tried leaving a note first, but when that didn’t work, he knew he had to take more drastic measures.

  1. The note was ignored and the car was still there nearly two days later. After the person who owned the blue Vauxhall Corsa parked across Tobe’s private driveway was still there a day and a half after the left the note, he was fed up. That’s when the plastic wrap idea came up!
  2. Tobe spent a lot of money to ensure he had parking. As he explained, “I live in a street with 26 houses and 24 parking spaces. Me and the Mrs. spent about £2,000 ($2,630) putting a dropped curb in last year and clear signs telling people not to park there but people still do all the time.” However, that hasn’t stopped people from parking in front of his house and blocking him in. “At least two or three times a week, we get some idiot blocking us in,” he added.
  3. To be fair, the car was causing a lot of problems. It was there when he returned home from work one night, leaving his daughter blocked in the driveway and Tobe unable to get into it. He decided to leave the note and sit on his balcony to watch for the owner of the car to return, but that never happened.
  4. Revenge was the only way, but the owner of the car found it funny. “I’d just had a load of pallet wrap delivered and I thought ‘right’ and wrapped it across the car. The owner soon came out after that,” he recalled. “It was a young girl who had just moved in next door but one. She was very apologetic. She said ‘very funny’ and said she won’t park there again.” At least she had a sense of humor about it!
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