How To Get Your Body Confidence Back In The Bedroom

How To Get Your Body Confidence Back In The Bedroom

Navigating body confidence issues can be challenging, especially in intimate settings. Here are some ways to boost your self-esteem and feel more comfortable with your body. After all, as RuPaul says, how the hell are you gonna love (or love on) somebody else if you can’t love yourself?

1. Start with Self-Acceptance Outside the Bedroom.

This isn’t something you can just switch on when you step into the bedroom. It starts way before that. It’s about how you view yourself every single day. Look in the mirror. What do you see? If all you’re doing is picking out flaws, then we’ve got a problem. Self-acceptance is about embracing yourself – every part of you. It’s about ditching those unrealistic standards you’ve been holding yourself to.

We’re bombarded daily with images of “perfect” bodies, but that’s just not reality. Your body’s carried you through life; it’s a map of your journey. Start treating it with some respect. Once you begin to accept yourself outside the bedroom, bringing that confidence into the bedroom becomes a whole lot easier. Remember, confidence is sexy, and it starts with you.

2. Communicate Your Feelings with Your Partner.

Communication is key, and I’m not just talking about the “oh, that feels good” kind. You need to be straight-up about what you’re feeling. Nervous? Say it. Uncomfortable with something? Speak up. Your partner isn’t a mind reader. And let’s be real, if they care about you, they’ll want to know what’s up. This isn’t about laying blame or making demands. It’s about sharing what’s going on in your head.

Trust me, it can actually bring you closer. And who knows, it might even open up new avenues in your relationship. So, drop the act. If you’re not into something, say so. If you need something different, speak up. It’s all about creating a space where both of you can be honest and enjoy yourselves.

3. Explore What Makes You Feel Good.

Getting your body confidence back in the bedroom isn’t about ticking boxes off a list; it’s about figuring out what really makes you feel good. That’s going to take some experimenting. I’m not just talking about the physical stuff here, although that’s important. It’s also about the whole vibe. What kind of environment makes you relax? Is it dim lights, some specific kind of music, or maybe a certain scent?

Then there’s understanding your own body. What touches and movements make you tick? This isn’t about anyone else. It’s your body, your rules. So, toss out the rulebook and start exploring. Try different things, and be honest with yourself about what works and what doesn’t. It’s like being a detective in your own erotic mystery. The goal is finding out what makes you feel like a million bucks.

4. Focus on the Experience, Not Just the Appearance.

What goes down in the bedroom isn’t just about looking good, it’s about feeling good. When you focus solely on appearance, you miss out on the whole experience. Think about it. The bedroom is a playground, and you’re there to have fun, not just to look pretty lying there. So, what does focusing on the experience mean? It means getting into the moment. How does the bed feel beneath you? What sensations are coursing through your body? How does your partner’s touch make you feel?

This isn’t a photoshoot; it’s a live experience. The more you’re in the moment, the less you’ll worry about how you look, and the more you’ll enjoy what’s happening. Plus, when you’re genuinely having fun, that’s when you truly look your best.

5. Fed up with feeling alone? Attract love by changing your mindset.

With Sweetn‘s simple quiz and mind tools, love is closer than you think. They’ll give you the tools and skills you need to transform the way you date and shift your energy to help you find lasting love. It only takes a few minutes to get started, so check it out here.

6. Do stuff that makes you feel good about your body.

Whether it’s dancing, yoga, or just taking a long, relaxing bath – do it. Do things that connect you with your body in a positive way. When you’re active and feeling good, it radiates into every aspect of your life, including the bedroom. Confidence doesn’t magically appear; you’ve got to nurture it. So, make a list of things that make you feel alive, and start checking them off. The more you do, the more you’ll appreciate the incredible vessel you call your body.

It’s amazing how much working up a sweat in the gym, on the treadmill, or even out at the park can make you feel so much better about your body. You suddenly realize all the things you’re capable of and see it in a whole new light. The more you do it, the more progress you make and the greater effect this has. Trust me on this.

7. Try body-positive affirmations and mindfulness techniques.

Sometimes, our minds can be our own worst critics. That’s where body-positive affirmations and mindfulness techniques come into play. It might sound a bit cheesy, but hear me out. Affirmations are like little pep talks you give yourself. Stand in front of the mirror and say things like, “I love and accept my body just as it is” or “I am sexy and confident.” At first, it might feel weird, but with time, it can change the way you see yourself.

Mindfulness is all about staying present and focusing on the now. When you’re fully in the moment, worries about how you look tend to fade away. Try these techniques; they’re like daily doses of self-love that can work wonders for your confidence.

8. Remember That Confidence Grows Over Time.

Confidence isn’t an overnight sensation. It’s more like a fine wine that gets better with age. So, cut yourself some slack. You’re a work in progress, and that’s absolutely okay. Don’t expect to go from zero to a hundred in a day. It’s a journey, and along the way, there will be highs and lows. But guess what? Every step you take, no matter how small, is a step towards regaining your confidence. Embrace the process, celebrate your victories, and learn from your setbacks. Remember, even the most confident people had to start somewhere.

9. Get down with the body positivity movement.

The body positivity movement is all about celebrating bodies of all shapes, sizes, and colors. It’s about breaking free from society’s narrow beauty standards and embracing diversity. When you immerse yourself in this movement, you’ll realize you’re not alone in your journey to body confidence.

Follow body-positive influencers on social media, read books and articles on the topic, and engage in conversations with like-minded people. Surrounding yourself with positivity and acceptance can be incredibly empowering. You’ll start to see that beauty comes in all forms, and that includes you.

Gail is Bolde's social media and partnership manager, as well as an all-around behind-the-scenes renaissance woman. She worked for more than 25 years in her city's local government before making the switch to women's lifestyle and relationship sites, initially at HelloGiggles before making the switch to Bolde.