Things You’re Too Old to Pretend You Enjoy — Stop Faking It!

Things You’re Too Old to Pretend You Enjoy — Stop Faking It!

As we get older, our priorities and tastes naturally change. There are just some experiences we’ve outgrown, whether we admit it to ourselves or not. Here’s a look at a few things it’s perfectly okay to stop faking enthusiasm about — they’re not all they’re cracked up to be!

1. All-night parties that last until dawn

Remember the days when sunrise meant the party was just getting started? The thrill of staying up all night fades as the years go by. Those all-nighters become less about dancing until your legs give out and more about wondering when you’ll be able to crawl into your own bed without the world spinning. It’s okay to admit your body just doesn’t recover from sleep deprivation like it used to!

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2. Trying every trendy new bar or restaurant

Couples Dancing And Drinking At Evening Party

Sure, it’s fun to try the occasional new place and stay somewhat in the loop, but the relentless chase for the hottest, most exclusive spot gets old. There’s something undeniably satisfying about having your favorite haunts where the staff know your usual and a cozy booth with your name on it (figuratively speaking, of course!) awaits.

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3. Uncomfortable fashion trends

From teetering heels that could twist an ankle to outrageously impractical outfits, we’ve all sacrificed comfort for the sake of being fashion-forward at some point, as Huffington Post remarks. There comes a glorious time when you realize that feeling confident and comfortable in what you’re wearing will always be the most stylish choice.

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4. Sleeping on the floor/couch/random makeshift beds

Handsome young man sleeping on the sofa at home.

In our younger days, crashing anywhere after a night out was simply part of the adventure. Now, a bad night’s sleep can ruin your whole day, if not your whole week! There’s absolutely no shame in prioritizing a real bed with actual pillows and blankets – maybe even one with a high thread count!

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5. Hostels and budget travel with zero frills

Backpacking and shared dorm rooms have their adventurous charm, but sometimes you yearn for the simple pleasures of your own bathroom, a door that locks, and a bed that’s entirely your own. Upgrading to a private room or a hotel with amenities is not a sign of weakness – it’s a sign that you value your well-being.

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6. Keeping up with mind-numbing pop culture

guy looking at his mobile while he's eating pizza

From celebrity gossip to viral social media trends, trying to stay on top of every fleeting moment of pop culture can be exhausting. It’s liberating to give yourself permission to tune out the noise and focus on interests that genuinely resonate with you – even if that means not knowing the latest TikTok dance craze.

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7. Sugary cocktails that give you a killer hangover

Those brightly colored, deceptively sweet drinks tasted like fun in a glass when you were a bit younger. Nowadays, your body vehemently disagrees with those sugar bombs. There’s a newfound appreciation for a well-crafted classic cocktail or a simple glass of good wine that won’t make you want to crawl under a rock the next morning.

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8. FOMO-driven social obligations

Young student guy feels upset and isolated while his friends celebrating party at home

The gnawing feeling that if you’re not saying ‘yes’ to everything, you’re missing out? That fear of missing out (FOMO) relentlessly drove many of our social decisions in the past. As you get older, you gain a beautiful sense of peace in being selective about how you spend your time and energy, embracing the joy of a quiet night in without guilt.

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9. Music played at ear-splitting volumes

Cheerful young man putting a vinyl record on a turntable and listening to music with headphones at home

There was a time when blasting music so loud your ears rang was synonymous with a good time. But these days, there’s something much more appealing about being able to have a conversation without shouting and not leaving a concert with temporary hearing loss. It’s a sign of maturity to appreciate a good sound system over raw volume.

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10. Drama-filled friendships

When you’re young, friendships can be full of excitement… and sometimes unnecessary drama, PsychCentral notes. As you get older, you realize that life’s too short for petty arguments, gossip, and friends who don’t truly have your back. Surrounding yourself with genuine, supportive people brings a peacefulness that no toxic thrill can replace.

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11. Foods you secretly dislike but eat for the sake of company

Sushi, kale, olives… we’ve all choked down things we don’t really enjoy just to fit in or be polite. But there’s freedom in admitting, “You know what, that’s just not my thing.” Ordering what you actually want is far more liberating than pretending to like something for the sake of appearances.

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12. Being constantly connected and “on”

The pressure to always be available, to post updates, and to keep up with every notification can be draining. Granting yourself permission to disconnect for a while – to put your phone away and embrace the present moment – is a gift. The world won’t fall apart if you’re not online 24/7.

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13. Extreme activities that push your physical limits

Jumping out of planes or going on hardcore wilderness expeditions has its appeal at a certain age. However, there comes a time when adrenaline-fueled adventures start to lose their luster. Rediscovering the joy of a brisk walk or a relaxing yoga class signals a healthy respect for your body, not a lack of spirit.

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14. Impromptu, unplanned nights out

men drinking alcohol at the pub

Spontaneous plans can be thrilling when you’re young, but sometimes you just want to know what you’re getting into. There’s no shame in preferring a bit of structure – having a set dinner reservation or knowing where you’ll be sleeping that night gives a comforting sense of control.

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15. Trying to impress people you don’t even like

In our youth, we often feel pressured to put on a show to gain approval. Maturity brings the understanding that spending energy on those who don’t genuinely matter is pointless. Investing in meaningful relationships rather than seeking empty validation is incredibly empowering.

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16. Hiding your true age

From dodging questions about birthdays to feeling uncomfortable revealing your true age, there’s societal pressure to stay eternally youthful. Embracing the years you’ve earned is a superpower. Your age is a testament to your journey, your wisdom, and everything that makes you uniquely you!

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Phoebe Mertens is a writer, speaker, and strategist who has helped dozens of female-founded and led companies reach success in areas such a finance, tech, science, and fashion. Her keen eye for detail and her innovative approach to modern womanhood makes her one of the most sought-out in her industry, and there's nothing she loves more than to see these companies shine.

With an MBA from NYU's Stern School of Business and features in Forbes and Fast Company she Phoebe has proven she knows her stuff. While she doesn't use social media, she does have a private Instagram just to look at pictures of cats.