We Didn’t Work But, If You Remember Anything About Us, Remember This

We Didn’t Work But, If You Remember Anything About Us, Remember This ©iStock/fotostorm

I know things didn’t work out between us — nasty words were exchanged, feelings were tampered with and in the end, we just couldn’t take it anymore. Things are better off this way, as we both know, but I don’t want you to look back and cringe when you think of our relationship. I don’t regret what we had even if we couldn’t make it work. If you remember anything about us, remember this:

  1. We fought for each other. I know we had our fair share of fights. Even as the fights became abundant, we tried to make it work. We didn’t give up when things got hard and we certainly didn’t let each other go because of words we didn’t mean and actions we couldn’t control. We gave as much effort as we could, even if it wasn’t enough.
  2. We supported each other’s passions. You were more laid-back and I was more outgoing. We made it work for the time being because we accepted our differences and supported whatever it was the other wanted to do. We understood it was important to one another and crucial for a healthy, stable relationship. It worked for a while until we realized it just didn’t anymore. We were just too different.
  3. We were each other’s shoulder to lean on. There’s no doubt we’ve been through a lot together. No matter what happened, we were always there, for better or worse. You were the first person I told my good news to, the only one who made me feel better when I was said and vice versa. We held each other up when things fell apart. Even though things were also falling apart with us.
  4. We made memories that we’ll never forget. Some of the times we shared together have been the best of our lives. Long drives, hard laughs, adventures, exploring, loving and confiding in one another made us better and live life a little fuller. Even though it didn’t last forever, we’ll always have the memories.
  5. We encouraged each other to face our fears. Whenever we put up a fight and made excuses, it was our job to bring rationality for each other. We encouraged each other to be better, to try harder and take some risk. Some things seemed impossible to accomplish, but having each other to conquer the world made things a lot less scary.
  6. We pushed each other out of our comfort zone. We made each other do things we normally wouldn’t. This sometimes caused fights and resentment, but really we were just trying to create better experiences for one another. Don’t think of the times it didn’t work out, remember the ones that did.
  7. We were each other’s ride or die. Through it all, we just wanted to be together doing whatever. We only wanted to be with each other because that’s what made us happiest. At one point, we were exactly what each other wanted and couldn’t have imagined wanting anything else. We were all in.
  8. We did the best we could. I know I left out all the hurtful and damaging details, but I didn’t want to emphasize them because it doesn’t matter anymore. What matters is that we did the best we could and even though it didn’t work out, we grew and made each other stronger. Forget about the bad times and remember the good. Remember us.
Bolde has been a source of dating and relationship advice for single women around the world since 2014. We combine scientific data, experiential wisdom, and personal anecdotes to provide help and encouragement to those frustrated by the journey to find love. Follow us on Instagram @bolde_media or on Facebook @BoldeMedia