The Difference Between A “Friend With Benefits” & A “Hookup Buddy”

These days,

A friends with benefits will ask you how your day was, a hookup buddy will ask you how the sex was.

A friends with benefits will make plans to hook up later in the week, while a hookup buddy will text you at 1am on Saturday night to see if you’ll be DTF in the next 30 minutes.

A friends with benefits will go out for breakfast with you the next morning, but a hookup buddy won’t even stick around to see the sun come up.

A friends with benefits knows when your birthday is, what you like on your pizza, and that you have two sisters. A hookup buddy only knows your favourite position, and maybe your preferred flavour of lube.

A friends with benefits will compliment your new hair cut, and a hookup buddy won’t even notice.. unless it’s of the Brazilian variety.

A friends with benefits will ask you if you want to grab a few drinks before you get naked, a hookup buddy will show up already drunk and couldn’t care less that you stayed in that night and you’re stone cold sober.

A friends with benefits will actually watch an entire movie with you either before or after (and while) you hook up. A hookup buddy won’t even pretend he’s there for anything other than sex.

A friends with benefits was in your life before you started hooking up, and will probably stay in your life when you stop. A hookup buddy will disappear from your life without so much as a see ya later.

You might actually meet a friends with benefits’ other friends at some point, but a hookup buddy will keep you away from anything related to his actual life at all costs. In fact he’s probably terrified you’ll take it as a sign you could be more than hookup buddies.

You’re probably your friends with benefits’ number one hook up, at least for awhile, but guaranteed, your hookup buddy has a few other girls on speed dial in case you don’t answer fast enough.

A friends with benefits will show up to your birthday party, but a hookup buddy will just meet you after to give you your gift (aka his penis) in private.

A friends with benefits might actually have the potential to turn into more if the timing is right, but a hookup buddy will never be more than someone you have sex with from time to time, and that’s how you want it to stay.

By day, Courtney is a digital marketing copywriter living in Toronto, Canada. By night, she's a freelance lifestyle writer who, in addition to, contributes regularly to, IN Magazine, and SheBlogs Canada. Want to chat about relationships, Stephen King or your favorite true crime podcast/documentary/book? She's on Twitter @courtooo.