A Respectful Man Would Never Do These 17 Things in Public

A respectful man knows that being kind, courteous, and considerate is the foundation of social and emotional intelligence. He knows how to read the room and the people in it, and he always treats them the way he wants to be treated. But that’s not all — he also would never do these things because he doesn’t want to damage his reputation.

1. Talk over people

serious man talking to woman

A respectful man knows that a conversation isn’t a competition. He listens, waits his turn, and values what other people have to say. Talking over someone is like saying your voice is the only one that matters. It’s not just rude; it shows a lack of basic human decency. He’s not obsessed with the spotlight — he’s more than happy to share it with everyone else.

2. Ignore personal boundaries

three men talking outside

Space isn’t just about the physical. A respectful man understands and respects personal boundaries. He doesn’t invade personal space, bombard someone with unsolicited advice, or pry into personal matters. Recognizing boundaries is about acknowledging autonomy and respect. He would never want to make people feel uncomfortable or violated in any way.

3. Make derogatory comments

Words have weight. A man who respects people doesn’t sling mud. He knows that derogatory comments, whether about race, gender, or anything else, aren’t just offensive; they’re a reflection of ignorance and insecurity. It’s not about being politically correct; it’s about basic human decency. (By the way, if you want to find a guy with the qualities listed here in the dating world, check out our sister site, Sweetn. They’ll teach you how to date smarter and have more meaningful relationships in just a couple of weeks!)

4. Belittle service staff

How you treat those serving you says everything. A respectful man treats service staff with dignity and appreciation. He knows their job isn’t easy and values their effort. Rudeness to staff isn’t assertiveness; it’s a glaring character flaw. He doesn’t make a mess because “they get paid to clean it up” — he values the hard work they do and tries to make it a little less miserable.

5. Get in big bust-ups

two men arguing in public

Disagreements happen, but a public fall out helps no one. A respectful man keeps his cool and saves discussions for a private setting. Making a scene in public isn’t just embarrassing; it shows a lack of self-control and respect for those around you. You’re not going to catch him getting into a shouting match or a fist fight. He’s more mature than that.

6. Display excessive PDA

millennial couple walking in park

There’s a time and place for everything. A respectful man knows that excessive PDA can make people uncomfortable. After all, who really wants to watch two people with their tongues down each other’s throats in public? It’s not about hiding feelings; it’s about considering the comfort of those around you.

7. Litter

smiling guy walking with coffee cup outside

Respect extends to the environment. A man who cares doesn’t treat public spaces like his personal trash can. Littering is lazy and shows a disregard for community and nature. It’s not hard to find a trash can. If it means carrying his takeout bag or his coffee cup a few blocks, he’ll do it.

8. Monopolize conversations

A conversation is a two-way street. A respectful man never acts as a conversational narcissist. Dominating a conversation is like saying your stories are the only ones worth hearing. It’s not just boring; it’s dismissive of other people. Plus, it’s not really a conversation if you’re the only one talking — that’s called a monologue.

9. Touch people without consent

A respectful man never assumes it’s okay to touch someone without their permission. Unsolicited physical contact isn’t just creepy; it’s a violation of personal space and autonomy. He’s not going to get all up in anyone’s personal space or put his hands on someone when he’s not sure it’s 100% okay.

10. Use offensive language loudly

Words can be weapons. Using offensive language, especially loudly, in public isn’t just about offending; it’s about a lack of regard for the social atmosphere and the people within it. It’s not edgy; it’s just disrespectful. That’s not to say that he’s puritanical and never uses curse words, just that he knows when it’s appropriate and when it’s really not.

11. Play music or videos without headphones

Personal entertainment shouldn’t become everyone’s soundtrack. A respectful man uses headphones in public spaces. Forcing your taste in music or videos on others isn’t sharing, especially because no one wants to hear it. Same goes for taking phone calls on speakerphone so that everyone and their brother can hear it. Not gonna happen.

12. Gawk or stare inappropriately

Eyes can invade privacy too. A respectful man doesn’t let his gaze linger inappropriately. Staring or gawking is invasive and uncomfortable. Even if he’s admiring the person he’s looking at rather than objectifying them, he knows it’s unwarranted and can even make people feel unsafe.

13. Ignore lines

Lines are a social contract. Cutting or ignoring queues isn’t just about saving time; it’s showing disrespect for everyone who’s waiting their turn. Stand at the back like everyone else did when they joined. He’ll get to the front soon enough.

14. Manspread excessively

Space is shared. A respectful man is mindful of how much space he’s taking up, especially in crowded public areas. Manspreading isn’t just about comfort; it’s about encroaching on other people’s space. He doesn’t sit with his legs wide open on a rush hour subway or bus — he makes room for other people to sit too.

15. Take photos without consent

A picture might be worth a thousand words, but consent is priceless. A respectful man never snaps photos of people without their okay. It’s not about capturing a moment; it’s about respecting privacy.

16. Ignore social cues

guys hanging out laughing

Being socially aware is crucial. A respectful man pays attention to social cues and acts accordingly. Ignoring them isn’t just awkward (though it’s definitely that). It shows a lack of empathy and social awareness. He knows how to read the room and react to the vibes appropriately. It’s an invaluable skill!

17. Impose their opinions on other people

Everyone has opinions, but they’re not all solicited. A respectful man knows when to share his thoughts and when to keep them to himself. Imposing opinions, especially on controversial topics, isn’t about being right; it’s about recognizing the time and place for discussions.

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Phoebe Mertens is a writer, speaker, and strategist who has helped dozens of female-founded and led companies reach success in areas such a finance, tech, science, and fashion. Her keen eye for detail and her innovative approach to modern womanhood makes her one of the most sought-out in her industry, and there's nothing she loves more than to see these companies shine.

With an MBA from NYU's Stern School of Business and features in Forbes and Fast Company she Phoebe has proven she knows her stuff. While she doesn't use social media, she does have a private Instagram just to look at pictures of cats.