How To Not Let People Get To You: Tips That Actually Work

How To Not Let People Get To You: Tips That Actually Work

It’s impossible to please everyone, and some people just seem programmed to push your buttons. Whether it’s a critical coworker, a nosy relative, or a rude stranger, letting negativity get under your skin ruins your day. Here’s how to train your brain to care less about what anyone else thinks or says.

1. Accept That It’s Them, Not You.

sad woman pink hair looking right

People who criticize, nitpick, or offer unsolicited advice are often struggling with their own insecurities. Their negativity is a reflection of their inner turmoil, not a genuine assessment of you. Recognizing this helps you detach their comments from your self-worth. It’s far more about where they’re at in their own life than anything you’re actually doing wrong.

2. Choose Your Battles Wisely.

woman texting at cafe

Not every annoying comment is worth a fight. Ask yourself: will this matter in an hour? A week? Next year? Conserve your energy for battles that actually have an impact on your life. Letting the small stuff slide preserves your sanity. Sometimes picking the path of least resistance is an act of self-care!

3. Set Boundaries with Firmness and without Hesitation.

Shot of a young man going for a workout in the city

Teach people how to treat you. If someone continuously disrespects you, communicate your boundaries clearly and confidently. “I’m not comfortable discussing that” or “Please don’t speak to me that way” sends a message that their behavior won’t be tolerated. Don’t be afraid to assert yourself — you deserve to be treated with common decency.

4. Don’t Take the Bait.

hipster woman texting at table

Bullies and trolls thrive on getting a reaction. If someone’s trying to provoke you, denying them the satisfaction of your anger is the best revenge. Ignoring them or responding with detached neutrality disarms them completely. Think of it as not giving them the fuel they need to keep their little negativity fire going.

5. Focus on What YOU Can Control.

cute guy texting city street

You can’t control other people’s words or actions, but you CAN control your response. Choose to focus your energy on your own goals, thoughts, and self-improvement instead of fixating on other people’s negativity. Your internal peace is far more powerful than their opinions. Where you place your attention matters!

6. Practice Self-Compassion.

smiling guy texting walking city

Don’t beat yourself up if you occasionally slip up and let someone get to you. We all have bad days. Forgive yourself, acknowledge that it’s tough to be the target of negativity, and remind yourself of your worth. A little self-kindness goes a long way in combating the sting of harsh criticism. Nobody’s perfect — cut yourself a little slack sometimes!

7. Hang Out with Positive People.

couple having drinks on beach loungers

Your circle of influence matters! Surrounding yourself with supportive, empowering people naturally lifts your spirits and counteracts external negativity. Look for friends who build you up, not those who engage in gossip and put-downs. Your vibe attracts your tribe, so choose your company wisely. The energy you surround yourself with has a massive impact on your own mood and overall well-being.

8. Develop a Thick Skin. (This Takes Practice!)

Not letting people get to you becomes easier with practice. The more you encounter negativity and choose to let it roll off your back, the stronger your thick skin becomes. Think of every rude or critical encounter as a mini-workout for your mental resilience. The goal isn’t to become completely numb, but to not let every little barb ruin your entire day.

9. “Can You Repeat That? I Wasn’t Paying Attention.”

couple having serious convo at cafe

A little cheeky humor can disarm a rude person. If someone throws a subtle jab your way, pretending not to hear them forces them to either repeat their insult (awkward!) or let it go. Bonus points if you can deliver this line with a completely genuine smile! It subtly calls out their bad behavior without escalating into a full-blown confrontation.

10. Walk Away.

man texting on city street

Sometimes, physically removing yourself from a negative situation is the best strategy. You have absolutely NO obligation to stand there and take abuse. An assertive “I’m going to step away from this conversation now” is all you need to say before exiting stage left. Your time, energy, and mental well-being are too precious to waste on people determined to be miserable.

11. Use Negative Comments as Fuel.

Spite can be a powerful motivator! If someone tells you that you can’t do something, let their doubt fuel your determination to prove them wrong. Channel that negative energy into positive action and show them just how capable you are. Their underestimation of you might be the kick in the pants you needed to take things to the next level!

12. Remember It’s Temporary.

Most negative encounters are fleeting moments in your life. In the grand scheme of things, will that rude remark or unfair criticism truly matter in a few months? Probably not. Don’t let something so insignificant ruin your whole day. Zoom out and realize most of the tough stuff you won’t even remember a year from now.

13. Focus on Gratitude.

When negativity gets you down, shift your attention to the good things in your life. Practicing gratitude reminds you of all the things going RIGHT, making the petty annoyances seem far less significant. A grateful heart is a powerful antidote to negativity. You can’t be simultaneously miserable and grateful, so choose gratitude every time!

14. Know that it gets easier.

Developing the skills to not let rude people get to you takes time and practice. Be patient with yourself. The more you consciously choose not to engage with negativity, the more natural it becomes. Eventually, you’ll reach a place where those rude comments barely register on your emotional radar. Imagine reaching a zen-like state where external negativity just bounces right off you — that’s possible with practice!

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Phoebe Mertens is a writer, speaker, and strategist who has helped dozens of female-founded and led companies reach success in areas such a finance, tech, science, and fashion. Her keen eye for detail and her innovative approach to modern womanhood makes her one of the most sought-out in her industry, and there's nothing she loves more than to see these companies shine.

With an MBA from NYU's Stern School of Business and features in Forbes and Fast Company she Phoebe has proven she knows her stuff. While she doesn't use social media, she does have a private Instagram just to look at pictures of cats.