If Someone Uses These 10 Phrases, They’re An Emotional Manipulator

If Someone Uses These 10 Phrases, They’re An Emotional Manipulator

Emotional manipulation is all about control and power. It often involves subtle tactics that can leave you feeling confused and disoriented, which is kind of the whole point. If you find that someone uses these statements often to discredit and undermine you, do yourself a favor and get away quickly.

1. “You’re too sensitive.”

This one’s a classic. When someone tells you you’re too sensitive, what they’re really doing is deflecting blame and invalidating your feelings. It’s a way to make you question your own emotions and reactions. Instead of addressing the issue or acknowledging your feelings, they’re turning it back on you.

It’s a red flag because it undermines your right to feel upset or hurt. Remember, your emotions are valid. No one else gets to dictate how you should or shouldn’t feel. If someone consistently accuses you of being too sensitive, they’re not respecting your emotional experience. It’s a manipulative tactic, plain and simple.

2. “You’re just overreacting.”

When someone tells you you’re overreacting, they’re trying to minimize your response and control the situation. It’s a way of saying that your feelings aren’t warranted or appropriate. This phrase is often used to gaslight you into believing that your reaction is not only wrong but also irrational.

It’s a form of emotional manipulation because it invalidates your feelings and makes you doubt your own judgment. If someone is frequently telling you that you’re overreacting, it’s a sign that they’re trying to manipulate your perception of reality to suit their narrative.

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4. “I was just joking.”

This phrase is often used as a cover-up when someone says something hurtful or offensive. By framing their words as a joke, they shift the blame onto you for not taking it the right way. It’s a tactic to make you feel like you’re the problem for not understanding their ‘humor.’

This manipulation tactic is particularly insidious because it not only invalidates your feelings but also puts you on the defensive. It’s a way of avoiding responsibility for their words and actions. If someone consistently hurts you and then claims they were just joking, they’re using humor as a tool for manipulation.

5. “You’re so lucky to have me.”

This phrase is a huge red flag. It’s designed to make you feel grateful for their presence in your life, regardless of how they’re actually treating you. It’s a way of asserting control and creating a power imbalance in the relationship. When someone uses this line, they’re implying that you couldn’t do better and should put up with whatever they dish out.

It’s a form of emotional manipulation that preys on your insecurities and gratitude. It’s not about luck; it’s about them trying to keep you tethered to a relationship that may be more about control than about mutual respect and love.

6. “You’re the only one who understands me.”

This might sound flattering at first, but it’s a manipulation tactic. By saying you’re the only one who gets them, they’re isolating you from others and creating a sense of specialness that can be hard to break away from. It’s emotional blackmail. They use this line to make you feel responsible for their emotional well-being.

It’s a way to keep you close and under their influence, making it harder for you to set boundaries or leave the relationship. The underlying message is that you can’t abandon them because they depend solely on you, which can be a heavy and unfair burden to bear.

7. “I did it for your own good.”

This is classic manipulator speak. When someone uses this phrase, they’re taking away your agency and justifying their controlling behavior. It’s a way of saying that they know better than you do about what’s best for you. This undermines your ability to make decisions and can make you doubt your own judgment.

Manipulators do this to exert control and make you more dependent on them. Remember, healthy relationships are about support, not control. You have the right to make your own choices, and anyone who consistently insists they know better is manipulating you.

8. “You’re making a big deal out of nothing.”

This phrase is a go-to for manipulators trying to belittle your feelings and concerns. It’s a way of dismissing what you’re feeling and experiencing. By minimizing your concerns, they’re not only invalidating your feelings but also suggesting that your perception of reality is skewed. They’re trying to gaslight you into thinking that your reactions are overblown and that you’re the problem. Healthy communication involves taking your partner’s concerns seriously, not trivializing them.

9. “You’re too needy.”

When someone calls you needy, they’re manipulating you into feeling guilty for having normal relationship needs. This phrase is often used to make you feel like a burden and to justify their lack of commitment or emotional unavailability. It’s a way of shifting the blame onto you for wanting a reasonable amount of attention and care.

By labeling your needs as excessive, they’re trying to absolve themselves of responsibility in meeting those needs. This tactic can leave you feeling undeserving of love and attention, which is exactly what the manipulator wants.

10. “You’re so lucky I put up with you.”

This is a brutal manipulation tactic designed to make you feel unworthy. The message is clear: you’re so flawed that you should be grateful they’re even sticking around. This is about breaking down your self-esteem so you’re more likely to tolerate their bad behavior. It’s a way of making you feel like you don’t deserve better treatment or a healthier relationship.

Remember, everyone deserves to be treated with respect and kindness. If someone frequently tells you you’re lucky they tolerate you, they’re trying to keep you feeling grateful for the bare minimum.

11. “You’re just like all the others.”

This phrase is used to manipulate you by playing on your fear of being ordinary or not living up to their expectations. It’s a form of gaslighting where they make you feel like you’re not special, just another in a line of disappointments. The goal is to make you work harder to prove yourself and stand out in their eyes.

It’s a way of keeping you on your toes, constantly seeking their approval. This tactic is damaging because it erodes your sense of self-worth and keeps you focused on pleasing them instead of addressing your own needs and values.

Sinitta Weston grew up in Edinburgh but moved to Sydney, Australia to for college and never came back. She works as a chemical engineer during the day and at night, she writes articles about love and relationships. She's her friends' go-to for dating advice (though she struggles to take the same advice herself). Her INFJ personality makes her extra sensitive to others' feelings and this allows her to help people through tough times with ease. Hopefully, her articles can do that for you.