If you identify as an empath, you usually take on other people’s perspectives on situations so you can understand them better. You don’t just notice that your bestie’s sad but you can actually feel their pain. While being an empath can make you a supportive friend and loving partner, there are some stressful things associated with it. But are you really an empath? If you’ve gone through these 11 experiences, you probably are.
1. You Know When Someone’s Lying.
While other people might take a bit longer to notice when someone’s lying, you experience an instant feeling that they’re being dishonest. You’re intuitive and tuned into little body language cues, such as tone of voice, that other people might miss and which tell you what you need to know about them. As an empath, you’re skilled at paying attention to details that help you get a solid read on people.
2. You’re A Mood Soaker.
You can’t help but soak up someone else’s mood. If you’re BF’s going through a tough time, you’re going to feel down and depressed. If your friend’s excited about their promotion, you’ll feel that bubbling energy and it’ll put you in a good mood. Sometimes it’s stressful to experience this because it takes time to shake off other people’s feelings. You might find that the negative ones especially tend to linger.
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4. You’re Sensitive To Stimuli.
Empaths don’t have the same filters that other people do, so they take in all the stimuli in their environment, as author Judith Orloff writes in the book, The Empath’s Survival Guide. So, you might be extremely sensitive to external stimuli, such as sights, sounds, and smells. Examples include flashing lights, loud music, and strong scents. You might also find too much touching stressful. Exposure to lots of stimuli can lead to sensory overload, which is draining.
5. You Need Tons Of Alone Time.
Since other people’s moods rub off on you, this can be draining and require you to take lots of time to yourself so you can relax, unwind, and focus on what you’re feeling – not what you’re feeling because of someone else. People in your life need to understand your need for self-care and alone time. It helps to refuel your energy reserves.
6. You’re A Great Listener.
You’re someone who really listens to what others have to say. You show positive body language that you’re listening, such as leaning toward the person, and know how to ace active listening so the person feels respected and acknowledged. You’re genuinely interested in other people and can put yourself in their shoes to better understand their situations.
7. You Have A Powerful Sixth Sense.
As an empath, your intuition is strong. You just get a feeling about a situation or person, even if you don’t have all the facts. You might even be an intuitive empath. While an empath connects to the energy around them, intuitive empaths use their intuition to do so. So, for example, you might get a sense of something being “off” in your environment when you walk into a room.
8. Your Friends Call You For Advice.
Are you the friend in your social circle who’s everyone’s confidante? If you’re an empath, chances are your friends always run to you for advice when they’re in a sticky situation, like a toxic relationship or an awkward misunderstanding with a friend. This is because they know that you listen well and genuinely care about them.
9. Strangers Open Up To You.
It’s not just friends who open up to you, but strangers too. When you’re at the train station or supermarket, you might have strangers telling you their life stories or opening up about their divorce or some other trauma. What?! It might feel strange to deal with, but it happens because you send out a warm vibe to others.
10. You Find It Hard To Say “No.”
You care about other people so much that you might fall into the trap of giving a lot of yourself. This can make it difficult for you to say “no” when people ask you for a favor. This is risky because you can end up neglecting your needs and priorities. Setting some healthy boundaries and learning to say “no” is important so you don’t put everyone else’s needs above yours. Hey, you can’t give someone a drink of water if your cup’s empty.
11. You’re Exhausted After Social Gatherings.
After hanging out with your friends, do you feel exhausted or drained when you get home? While some people feel energized after being around other people, empaths sometimes get drained by all the simulation. It’s not easy to hoard everyone’s emotions all the time. This is another reason why it’s important for empaths to have daily time to themselves to recharge.
12. You Hate Being In Crowds.
You dislike the feeling of being in a crazy crowd because of the intense sounds and sights that you have to deal with. But, you might also avoid crowds because you’re in tune with other people’s energies too much. It’s a lot to take in! Instead of spending time in a crowd, you’re more likely to head out into nature, where the quiet and soothing atmosphere calms you down.