Hearing “I love you” for the first time is an important moment in a relationship and I definitely don’t take professions of love for granted. Still, they’re not the only thing that legitimize a partnership. Those three little words are a crucial step in any relationship, but there’s a whole list of things I’d rather hear my other half say.
- “You inspire me.” When we meet the people we’re meant to spend our lives with, our world gets brighter. The room starts spinning in the best way when they walk in and we strive to be the best version of ourselves. I want to know that I make you want to reach for the stars. I need to hear that every day with me makes you more excited about the future. If my confidence in you and my support help you stand taller than you ever have before, let me know.
- “I’ll always be there for you.” More than in sickness and in health, I need to know that for every obstacle I face, on my own or with you, you’ll have my back. My past isn’t pretty and it may come out when neither of us expects it. Knowing I can count on your for absolutely anything will get me through even the darkest hour.
- “You bring out the best in me.” If I’m giving myself to you, it’s because having you in my life makes me a better person. I would hope if we’ve been able to fall so deeply for each other that you feel the same way about me. Tell me that I keep you grounded. Tell me that I push you to try when you may otherwise want to give up. Tell me that I make you the man you’ve always wanted to be.
- “I’ll never stop challenging you.” I want to keep growing, keep improving and never settle. Knowing you’ll keep me moving forward means everything to me, but I need to trust that you won’t absentmindedly agree if you have a different opinion. We’ll always be honest with each other, so I want to know when I’m being close-minded. Play devil’s advocate, question me and help me see multiple sides to every story. We’ll learn and grow as a team by helping develop strength in each others areas of weakness.
- “I want to grow old with you.”It’s easy to be young and in love but hard to picture 60 years down the line. When we’re 85 and sitting in rocking chairs, I want to look back on our life together and have no regrets. No matter where we’ve been, what we’ve seen or who will carry on our legacy after we’re gone, knowing that you’ll still find me stunning when I’m old and grey warms me to my core.
- “You’re my best friend.”I believe that a partner isn’t just an ally, a confidant and a critic, but truly a best friend too. We’ll put each other and our relationship above all else because we know that that’s the only way to make it truly work. Communicating our way through our kinks as a couple is a priority because we value each other as individuals and as a team.
- “I see you.” It’s one thing to know someone on the surface level; it’s another thing entirely to understand exactly who they are as a person and furthermore, to show them that you accept it fully. Feeling seen is a beautiful aspect of the most intimate relationships, and it’s something not enough people get to experience. I want to be one of them.
- “I value you.”I want to know that you appreciate me, not just for the role I play in your life, but for my career, my dreams and everything I do. It’s easy to provide empty encouragement, but going to bat for me over and over because you wholeheartedly believe in me is much harder.
- “You’re more than enough.”A part of me will always wonder what I did to deserve someone so incredible. I know you see me in a way I could never see myself, but that doesn’t mean I don’t need reminders that I’m worthy of your love. Maybe after days, months and years of hearing you try to convince me, I may finally start to believe it.
- “I’m in love with you/”Some people don’t see the difference between this and I love you, but to me, it’s crystal clear. Love is the feeling that sends you soaring when you think about someone else. When you’re staring into my eyes, you’re not just content, you feel downright privileged to have me in your life. Being in love means you accept exactly who I am and you love me because of and not in spite of it.
- “I trust you.” No relationship can be built or sustained without complete and total trust. I give you my heart, my soul and my commitment, and I need to know that you do the same. With trust at the center of our relationship, our love will know no boundaries.