When you’ve got your eye on the prize, whatever “the prize” may be, you don’t want to let anything distract you from reaching victory. However, sometimes life has its own plans and rewards you in ways you never would have imagined. Take, for instance, when Lance Corporal Myles Kerr was running the 5K at the Venetian Festival in Charlevoix. He was all set to win, but then a little boy changed the course.
- Kerr was ready to go. He did the whole race in military boots while carrying a rucksack, and he was doing really well! In fact, he was on course to win the whole thing.
- His friends and family were waiting for him at the finish line. They knew he’d be completing his race quickly, so they got in place to cheer him on… but there was no sign of him.
- Kerr didn’t show up at the finish line. Kerr was young, strong, and very fast, so when runners began hitting the finish line and Kerr wasn’t one of them, his supporters were worried, They wondered if he might have gotten hurt or collapsed, neither of which was good.
- His teammates ran back to see what happened to Kerr. However, before they got very far, they saw him heading their way. He wasn’t alone, though – he was with a little boy later identified as Boden Fuchs.
- The 9-year-old boy had been running on his own. Kerr recalled seeing the child and not wanting to leave him behind. “He was walking when I ran by him. I looked at him and said, ‘Hey, little guy, you alright?’ And he said, ‘Will you run with me?’” Kerr later recalled.
- Kerr gave up winning the race, but he got so much more. There were times when Fuchs wanted to quit, but Kerr encouraged him to keep going and stayed right by his side until they reached the finish line together. They completed the race in about 35 minutes, with photos of the finish being posted on Facebook. “By his unwavering commitment to help those in need through his ability to inspire others by his unequivocal level of motivation, Lcpl Kerr reflected great credit upon himself and was keeping in the highest traditions of the United States Marine Corps,” the caption read.
- Fuchs’ family gave Kerr a $100 gift card as thanks. While he wasn’t expecting anything at all, he let the boy’s family know he would use the card at a local restaurant before returning to service in California. “As a Marine, we try to reach out and help as much as we can. I don’t think I’m a hero. I was just trying to help,” he told ABC News.