People Who Are Well-Liked Do These 16 Things Every Day

People Who Are Well-Liked Do These 16 Things Every Day

Being well-liked isn’t about being a people-pleaser or a doormat.

It’s about cultivating genuine connections, showing up authentically, and treating people with respect and kindness. If you want to be the kind of person that others naturally gravitate towards, take a page from the playbook of the most well-liked people out there. Here are 16 things they do every day that make them so dang likable.

1. They listen a lot more than they flap their gums.

Well-liked people know that everyone wants to feel heard and understood, as Huffington Post points out. They don’t dominate conversations or constantly steer the topic back to themselves. Instead, they ask thoughtful questions, give others space to share, and really listen to what’s being said. They’re not just waiting for their turn to talk — they’re genuinely interested in learning from and connecting with others.

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2. They remember the little things.

Birthdays, favorite coffee orders, the name of your dog — well-liked people have a knack for remembering the small details that matter to others. They make a point to follow up on things you’ve mentioned, whether it’s a big presentation at work or a personal goal you’re working towards. By showing that they’re paying attention and that they care, they make others feel valued and appreciated.

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3. They’re authentic and genuine.

Well-liked people don’t put on a facade or try to be someone they’re not. They’re comfortable in their own skin, and they let their true personalities shine through. They’re not afraid to be vulnerable, to admit when they’re wrong, or to show their quirks and imperfections. By being authentic and genuine, they create a sense of trust and connection with others.

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4. They show up for people.

When someone they care about is going through a tough time, well-liked people don’t just offer thoughts and prayers — they show up. They’re the ones bringing over a casserole, offering to babysit, or just sitting with you in your grief. They understand that actions speak louder than words, and they’re always ready to lend a helping hand or a listening ear.

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5. They find reasons to celebrate.

Well-liked people are constantly looking for reasons to celebrate and spread joy. They’re the ones organizing office birthday parties, cheering on their friends’ successes, and finding the silver lining in tough situations. They understand that life is too short to dwell on the negative, and they make a point to infuse their days with laughter, gratitude, and positivity.

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6. They’re inclusive and welcoming.

They don’t operate in cliques or exclusive groups. They go out of their way to make everyone feel included and welcomed, whether it’s the new kid at school or the quiet coworker at the office. They understand that everyone wants to feel like they belong, and they use their social capital to create a sense of community and connection.

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7. They give genuine compliments.

Multiracial group of people with hands up smiling at camera outside - Happy guys and girls having fun together walking on city street - Happy friendship, community and human resources concept

Well-liked people are generous with their praise, but they don’t give empty flattery. When they compliment someone, it’s genuine and specific. They notice the effort someone put into a project, the kindness they showed to a stranger, or the unique talent they bring to the table. By highlighting the best in others, they make them feel seen, appreciated, and valued.

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8. They own their mistakes.

Young adult friends out sightseeing around Copenhagen by bike.

As Inc. points out, making mistakes makes you popular — if you own it, that is. Well-liked people definitely aren’t perfect, and they don’t pretend to be. When they mess up, they fess up to it. They apologize sincerely, take responsibility for their actions, and do what they can to make things right. They understand that everyone makes mistakes, and they don’t let their ego get in the way of doing the right thing.

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9. They’re curious and open-minded.

two women and man drinking at bar

Well-liked people are lifelong learners who are always eager to explore new ideas and perspectives. They ask questions, seek out diverse viewpoints, and are open to changing their minds when presented with new information. They don’t get defensive or dig their heels in when challenged — instead, they see it as an opportunity for growth and understanding.

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10. They’re respectful of others’ time and boundaries.

Happy multi-ethnic group of people laughing at the restaurant

Well-liked people understand that everyone has different priorities, obligations, and comfort levels. They don’t pressure others to hang out or take on more than they can handle. They respect people’s time by showing up punctually and not overstaying their welcome. They also respect people’s boundaries by not prying into personal matters or pushing them to share more than they’re comfortable with.

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11. They’re not afraid to be silly.

People group drinking cappuccino at coffee bar patio - Friends talking and having fun together at sidewalk cafeteria - Life style concept with happy men and women at cafe dehor - Warm bright filter

Well-liked people don’t take themselves too seriously. They’re not afraid to let their goofy side show, whether it’s busting out a dorky dance move or cracking a corny joke. They understand that laughter is the shortest distance between two people, and they use humor as a way to break the ice, lighten the mood, and create a sense of playfulness and fun.

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12. They’re reliable and dependable.

When well-liked people say they’ll do something, they follow through. They don’t make empty promises or flake out at the last minute. They’re the ones you can count on to show up, to keep a secret, or to lend a hand when needed. By being reliable and dependable, they build trust and foster a sense of security in their relationships.

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13. They’re not judgmental or gossip-y.

men drinking alcohol at the pub

Well-liked people don’t engage in gossip or spread rumors. They don’t judge others for their choices or mistakes, and they don’t use someone else’s misfortune as entertainment. Instead, they assume the best in people and give them the benefit of the doubt. When they’re concerned about someone, they address it directly and privately, with compassion and respect.

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14. They’re humble and gracious.

colleages walking and talking in office

Well-liked people don’t brag about their accomplishments or try to one-up others. They’re humble about their successes and quick to give credit where it’s due. When complimented, they accept it graciously and with appreciation. They understand that true confidence doesn’t need to be loud or showy — it’s quiet and self-assured.

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15. They’re good at reading social cues.

Well-liked people are attuned to the subtle cues and body language of others. They can sense when someone is uncomfortable, upset, or in need of a break. They adjust their behavior accordingly, whether it’s changing the subject, giving someone space, or offering a comforting word. By being socially aware and adaptable, they make others feel seen, understood, and cared for.

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16. They make others feel important and valued.

A group of multi-ethnic friends are happily hugging each others at street market at night.

Above all, well-liked people have a way of making others feel important and valued. They give their full attention, they remember the things that matter to you, and they go out of their way to show that they care. They understand that everyone wants to feel like they matter, and they use their words and actions to convey that message loud and clear.

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Harper Stanley graduated from Eugene Lang College at The New School in NYC in 2006 with a degree in Media Studies and Literature and Critical Analysis. After graduating, she worked as an editorial assistant at The Atlantic before moving to the UK to work for the London Review of Books.

When she's not waxing poetic about literature, she's writing articles about dating, relationships, and other women's lifestyle topics to help make their lives better. While shocking, she really has somehow managed to avoid joining any social media apps — a fact she's slightly smug about.