Simple But Effective Habits of Emotionally Strong People

Simple But Effective Habits of Emotionally Strong People

If you consider yourself a sensitive person, you might think you can never become more resilient. The truth is that while some people are naturally tougher than others, there are things you can do to become stronger. Below are some simple but effective habits of emotionally strong people.

1. They take care of themselves physically.

Emotionally strong people know that our minds and bodies are linked. While going for a walk certainly won’t “cure” the likes of depression, it’s impossible to feel good internally if you’re not looking after the outside too. After all, studies have proven numerous times, exercise is important for mental health as well as physical. This might manifest as ensuring they’re sleeping for eight hours every night, eating nutritious meals, or going to the gym regularly. Everyone’s lifestyle is different, but the common denominator is that they make looking after themselves physically a priority.

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2. They know how to let off steam.

Strong people aren’t immune to getting bogged down by stress, frustration, or even sadness. The difference is they’ve developed healthy coping mechanisms to channel their frustration or hurt. For one person, it could mean hitting the gym, for someone else, it could mean listening to music they love. Either way, they find ways to get rid of those big feelings so they can maintain (or regain) a sense of equilibrium.

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3. They ask for help when they need it.

Strong people know they can’t do it all alone. They’re good at recognizing when they’re in trouble and taking action, whether it means going to therapy or requesting an extension on a project. They know that asking for help doesn’t have to be scary — it’s a way to ensure their needs are met.

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4. They know how to put things in perspective.

man arms crossed in office

Life isn’t always about what happens to you but how you react to those things. This isn’t something that applies to all situations, of course. For instance, if you went through trauma, you’re understandably going to be deeply affected by that experience and will need to work through it, the American Psychological Association explains. With that said, generally, strong people can brush off the small stuff like a bad day or petty co-workers. If something isn’t important in the overall scheme of their life, they don’t let themselves get upset by things they won’t remember this time next year.

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5. They have excellent communication skills.

Emotionally strong people are usually effective communicators. They know no one can read their mind, and vice versa, so they lay all their cards on the table and expect others to do the same. When they have any doubt about what someone means, they always ask for clarity.

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6. They won’t apologize for having boundaries.

Emotionally strong people know their worth. They can clearly communicate their boundaries with others and don’t hesitate to enforce them when crossed. They know they deserve respect, so they demand it — and they always offer the same in return.

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7. They learn from their mistakes.

stubborn woman crossed arms

No one likes messing up, emotionally strong people included, but we’re all human. With that said, when they do make a mistake or are rejected, they use it as a teaching moment. Although it might bruise their ego a little, these moments don’t destroy them. They learn the lesson they need to know and move on, vowing to do better in the future.

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8. They’re optimistic but realistic.

Emotionally strong people are never pessimistic. It might be a stretch to say they’re always the most optimistic people, but they certainly don’t veer into toxic positivity (which does way more harm than good, as Psychology Today confirms). They have realistic expectations but always gear towards looking at the bright side. For example, if they lose an opportunity, rather than feeling the world is against them, they remind themselves that what’s meant for them won’t pass them by.

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9. They can say no.

Most people, especially people pleasers, struggle with saying no. While emotionally strong people can (and are!) kind and helpful, they know their limits and stick to them. They’ll lend a hand to a friend in need, but they won’t burn themselves out for other people.

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10. They walk away from situations that don’t serve them.

Black man, fitness and smile with arms crossed in the city for running exercise, workout or training in the outdoors. Portrait of a African American, confident and sporty male smiling in a urban town

Emotionally strong people aren’t heartless, but they do put themselves first. They’re aware of the impact the people they surround themselves with can have on their well-being. So, while they extend patience or grace for others and understand that their friends aren’t going to be fun all the time, they have no tolerance for people who intentionally treat them badly. They know that life is going to be hard enough, so the people they choose to associate themselves with shouldn’t make it harder.

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11. They’re extremely disciplined.

Emotionally strong people are disciplined. They know what they need to do to operate at their peak, so they make sure they do it. This doesn’t just mean physically taking care of themselves, as mentioned earlier. They also learned a long time ago that ruminating on the past or lurking on their ex’s socials is bad for their well-being, so they don’t do it.

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12. They’re not afraid to make tough decisions.

Two caucasian business executives with arms crossed gesture standing at the office.

Emotionally strong people tend to be decisive. While some decisions don’t come easy, they won’t drag things out. For example, if they know the right thing to do is to cut off a friend, no matter how much it saddens them, they act quickly and stick to their decision.

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13. They don’t throw themselves pity parties.

Strong people aren’t robots, of course — some things will knock them down, and that’s okay. They let themselves feel their feelings, but they quickly pick themselves up and carry on.

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14. They know their limits.

Strong people know they’re not perfect. They strive to do their best, but they also know there are some things they just can’t change about themselves. Strong people don’t beat themselves up for being human. For example, a strong person can recognize they could work harder at being a more empathic listener when their friends need to vent but also know that no amount of inner work or self-help will change the likes of neurodivergence, for instance (and that’s okay!).

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15. They don’t take things personally.

People who are emotionally strong recognize that a lot of the time, how people treat them isn’t a reflection on anything they’ve done. Of course, if you make a mistake at work, your boss might reasonably be upset. However, if someone is snappy for no reason, they know it doesn’t mean they did something wrong, they figure that the other person is probably having a bad day.

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Aisling is a 20-something year old Irish writer who is the life and relationship guru of her social circle. She loves music, movies, and coffee.