Bob Barker, the iconic game show host who helmed “The Price Is Right” for nearly 40 years, has died at the age of 99. His spokesperson, Roger Neal, announced that Barker had passed away at his home in the Hollywood Hills area of Los Angeles, The New York Times reports.
- The announcement is heartbreaking. “It is with profound sadness that we announce that the World’s Greatest MC who ever lived, Bob Barker has left us,” Neal said in a statement on Saturday, August 26. While Bob Barker’s death isn’t necessarily shocking given his age, it’s not something you ever want to happen and it has saddened fans around the world who were touched by his work.
- Bob Barker joined “The Price Is Right” in 1972. The show was a revamp of the original series, which had aired between 1956 and 1965. He remained the host of the show for the next 35 years.
- He was a total legend. Anyone who grew up during the ‘80s and ‘90s remembers all too well tuning into “The Price Is Right” while off sick from school. His genuine smile and friendly banter with the customers were incredibly comforting.
- Bob Barker was more than just a TV host. He was also a passionate animal rights activist over the years. According to Variety, Barker donated millions of dollars to animal neutering programs over the years. And anyone who watched “The Price Is Right” will remember his sign-off on the show: “And remember folks, always spay or neuter your pets!”
- He lived a long and happy life. He shared 37 wonderful years of marriage with his high school sweetheart, Dorothy Jo Gideon, until she passed away in 1981. They never had any children, but Barker filled his life with work and causes he loved as well as plenty of friends and other family members.
RIP, Bob Barker.