When you run into your senior aunt who asks, “Why are you still single, dear?” it legit doesn’t phase you. You love being on your own and doing your own thing. Even though you might be open to a relationship in the future, you’re not frantically searching for The One. It’s awesome! If you relate to these things, you’re clearly more than happy to stay single (at least for now).
1. You Love Making Your Own Decisions.
You love being able to choose whatever you want for your life, without having to consult with a partner. Whatever you want to do, you can do RN, without any hesitation. You can’t imagine having to run your choices or desires past someone else because you do your own thing whenever you want, from sleeping in until noon to packing your bags and going on an adventure.
2. You Hate Dating Apps.
Although you might install dating apps on your phone every now and then, you don’t really take them seriously. You might scroll through some profiles just for fun, but you don’t try hard to find someone. There’s too much fun stuff offline that you want to be doing instead and it doesn’t involve using all your free time to find a flirt buddy. (If this sounds like you, our sister site, Sweetn, was made for you. They have some game-changing advice and tools to help you find real love when you’re ready. Check them out here!)
4. You’re Having Fun Exploring Yourself.
There’s so much to learn about yourself and what you want out of life, and you’re making the most of being single to do this. Instead of being distracted by having someone in your life, which can be a total bummer, you get to use all your time and energy for yourself. Just think: you have so many hobbies, interests, and adventures to discover. What bliss.
5. You Crave Alone Time.
While some single people might fear being alone or dislike having to entertain themselves, you thrive when you can be on your own and do whatever makes you happy. Your home is your sanctuary and you love decorating it to display your personality and making the most of your time, whether that means learning how to play guitar or binge-watching Netflix.
6. You’re Positive About The Future.
Just ’cause you’re not dating or in love with anyone, it doesn’t mean that you’re sad or dreading spending more time alone. Oh hell no! You’re positive about your life and love imagining the future. It’s so bright and fun, and you’re excited to get there. In fact, you’re probably happy that you don’t have someone annoying tagging along for the ride.
7. You Love Taking Your Time.
Some people feel a mad rush to date someone and pick off all the milestones they have in their heads, like getting married and popping out babies, but you’re not like that. You’re easygoing and like to take your time with things, especially when it comes to finding love – hey, that stuff can’t be rushed. Besides, you’re not rushing to settle down because you’re rushing to build your empire. Nice one.
8. You’re Excited For Friends Who Find Their Person.
When your bestie calls you with the news that she’s dating her perfect person or getting engaged to her soulmate, you legit feel happy for her. Look, it’s such a myth that all single forevers are going to be bitter or jaded about love. Whatever. You want everyone around you to be as happy with their dating status as you are with being single.
9. You Don’t Obsess About Love.
Although you can feel good about love when it happens for other people, it’s just not something that you need to be happy. You don’t define yourself according to having or lacking love. Sure, a healthy relationship might be something cool that you bring into your life when you meet the right person in the future, but you don’t feel like you’re depressed because you’re on your own. You’re living it up and making the most of your experiences!
10. You’re Never Lonely.
Of course, no one’s meant to be alone all the time. It’s just not practical. You need interactions with other people and will experience times when you need to reach out to others for support. But, who said the person you reach out to has to be a romantic partner? You’re surrounded by amazing people in the form of loved ones and friends, so you’re never lonely.
11. You’re Fiercely Independent.
Another thing you love about being single is that you can be super-independent. You deal with your own problems and issues, without having to ask someone else for their help if you don’t want to. You go to movies or on vacations by yourself, without letting being along stand in your way. The bottom line: Nothing stands in your way of having an amazing life. Yes, queen!
12. You Feel Drained On Dates.
When you go on casual dates, you usually feel drained, which is why you’re taking time out of the relationship game for a while. Why spend a Friday night across from some boring guy when you can be club-hopping with friends or redecorating your apartment? Maybe you found yourself single after some bad dates and now you love it so much you can’t imagine going back. Hey, why should you? This is your life and you make the rules. For now, you’re happy to stay single.
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