There’s no doubt that relationships can be complicated and unclear. Sometimes, you might find that how people express their love for you isn’t by the book or super clear. They might not tell you how much you mean to them, but they do show it in small, subtle ways. It’s up to you to read into their behavior and suss them out. Here are 10 signs that your friend or the person you’re dating cares about you but might struggle to find the words to tell you.
1. They Don’t Just Listen, They Understand.
One of the biggest signs that someone cares about you is if they give you the time of day. They don’t just hear what you’re saying, but actively listen to what’s on your mind. They repeat back what you’ve said to them to ensure they understand and they ask follow-up questions to engage with you. This makes you leave conversations feeling validated.
2. They Remember Details.
You might’ve told your friend or partner you’re allergic to kiwis ages ago, only for them to remember when you go out for breakfast and order fruit salad. Or, maybe you once mentioned you don’t want to go skiing, so they don’t go against your wishes when planning a surprise vacation. They pay attention to what you’re about, and respect it, which is a sign of love.
3. They’re Physically There When You Need Them.
When you’re going through a tough or traumatic time, your friend or partner might not send you a bunch of texts expressing how much they’re there for you. But, that doesn’t matter because actions count much more than words, and they will be there, standing beside you to help you get through the situation. They’ll let you talk and vent, and offer you strong emotional support.
4. They’re Legit Happy For You.
Some people promise to care about you or pepper your interactions with lovey-dovey emojis, but then they’re a no-show when you’re celebrating your latest achievement. Hmm. It says a lot about what they really think. This person, on the other hand, will be there to celebrate with you, telling you how amazing you are and how happy they are for you, without any hesitation. (BTW, if you want to meet more people with the qualities on this list in the dating world, you need our sister site, Sweetn, in your life. They’re changing the game in love in some amazing ways. Visit them here.)
5. They Schedule You In.
No matter how busy or stressed the person is, they’ll always clear up some space in their busy schedule for you. They don’t disappear on you or play up just how busy they are to make you feel like they’re a celebrity who doesn’t have time for mere mortals. You can depend on their consistency, whether times are good or bad, which is so comforting.
6. They Bring You Into Their Social Circle.
This person cares about you so much, they’ll always make you feel like you’re included. They love to make their social circle bigger, filling it with tons of people who love to have a good time and be there for each other. So, they’ll call you up and invite you to outings with them and others they care about, which is a sure sign they care about you being in your life.
7. They Respect Your Boundaries.
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Whenever you spend time with your friend or partner, you can feel comfortable and calm because the relationship is built on respect. They’re not going to try to push past your boundaries or try to get you to do activities you don’t want to do just because that’s what they want. They value your boundaries as much as you do.
8. They Make You Feel Good About Your Dreams.
It’s not always easy to find people who support you and make you feel excited about chasing your dreams and goals. This person in your life is always there to cheer you on and make you feel like you can succeed at what you want in life. They won’t rain on your parade or criticize you for what you want to achieve as though they have malicious intentions.
9. They Make You Feel Comfortable In Your Skin.
A relationship that enables you to be yourself and feel comfortable in your skin? We need more of that! Your friend or partner shows how much they love you by accepting you exactly for what you are, flaws and all. You can be yourself without worrying that you have to wear a mask in order to gain their approval, and you can express yourself without worrying that you’ll be judged.
10. They Give It To You Straight.
It’s refreshing to be around someone who’s totally honest with you. Instead of telling you what they think you want to hear, this person is honest, without being brutal or hurting your feelings. You know when you pick up the phone and call them for advice, they’re going to be open and honest, so you can make the best decision that works for you. If you’re dating, you know they’ll give you consistent messages. Yup, they have your best interest at heart.
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