Your Biggest Bad Habit, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Your Biggest Bad Habit, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

We all have our quirks and imperfections – it’s simply part of being human! While some traits are more disruptive than others, most are relatively harmless. Sometimes, astrology can offer a playful peek (and a good laugh!) into our less-than-ideal tendencies. Here’s a lighthearted look at the bad habit your zodiac sign might make you most prone to.

Aries: Impulsivity to the Max

While it’s unlikely that you have a legitimate impulse control disorder, like those outlined by Cleveland Clinic, your fiery nature can make you dive headfirst into things without thinking. You’re the type to max out a credit card on a whim, get a tattoo after three shots of tequila, or blurt out the first thing that pops into your mind in a job interview. Take a deep breath and count to ten before making decisions that could royally screw up your life. A little impulse control goes a long way.

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Taurus: Stubbornness Central

Taurus, you’re so stubborn you make a mule look flexible. Once you’ve made up your mind, you dig your heels in deeper than a tick on a hound dog. Even when faced with facts that prove you wrong, you just can’t admit defeat. This bullheadedness can cause major drama in your relationships and keep you stuck in bad situations. Learn to loosen your grip and compromise sometimes. Being right isn’t always worth the fight.

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Gemini: Indecisiveness to the Nth Degree

You change your mind more often than a chameleon changes colors. One minute you want Mexican food, the next you’re craving sushi. You’ll commit to a Saturday night plan, then flake at the last minute because you’re suddenly social media stalking your ex. This wishy-washy nonsense is maddening to those around you. Put on your decision-making pants and stick to a choice, even if you have second thoughts.

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Cancer: Emotional Rollercoaster From Hell

Cancer, your moods are constantly shifting. One moment you’re laughing, and the next, you’re crying. People around you feel like they have to be extra cautious because they never know what might trigger an emotional outburst from you. Your loved ones can’t always be there to manage your emotions for you. Work on regulating your intense mood swings before you alienate people with your erratic behavior. As Psychology Today points out, emotional stability is key to maintaining healthy relationships.

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Leo: Ego the Size of a Planet

Your ego is excessively large. You constantly crave attention and sulk when you don’t receive the admiration you feel you deserve. Even minor critiques or slights can deeply wound your pride. The truth is, you’re not the center of the universe. Temper your inflated sense of self-importance and practice humility. You’ll be more likable if you allow others to shine too. Remember, it’s not always about you.

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Virgo: Perfectionism Purgatory

Virgo, your perfectionism causes significant problems and frustration. You fixate on every minor detail, working tirelessly until everything is absolutely perfect. This obsessive behavior stresses you out and irritates those around you. The truth is, perfection is an unrealistic standard. Aiming for excellence is admirable, but not when it jeopardizes your well-being and relationships. Learn to appreciate imperfections and know when to stop obsessing over details. Sometimes “good enough” is perfectly fine.

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Libra: Extreme People-Pleasing

You’re such a people pleaser, it’s painful to watch. You’d rather get a root canal than say no or voice an unpopular opinion. Your need to be liked is so intense you’ll pretend to agree with stuff you actually hate just to keep the peace. You have to grow a backbone and start putting your own needs first sometimes. Real friends will respect you more for being authentic, even if that means occasionally rocking the boat.

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Scorpio: Vengeful Vibes

Scorpio, your vengeful streak is scary at times. Never mind “forgive and forget” — when someone crosses you, you hold a grudge pretty much forever. You’ll scheme and plot to make their life miserable, savoring your revenge like a fine wine. But all that negative energy is toxic, mostly to you. Learn to forgive (or at least forget) and channel your passion into something more productive than payback.

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Sagittarius: Brutal Bluntness

You have a serious case of foot-in-mouth disease. Your bluntness can be harsher than sandpaper on a sunburn. You’ll tell your best friend her haircut looks like a rat’s nest, or casually mention how your coworker has packed on a few pounds. Truth is great, but tact is better. Engage your brain before opening your big, archer-themed yap. Words wound, so think before you shoot off hurtful comments.

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Capricorn: Workaholism

Your work ethic is intense, but it’s burning you out. You’re the type to eat lunch at your desk, answer emails at 3 AM, and cancel plans to finish projects. Your job is important, but so is having a life outside the office. Schedule some mandatory fun and relaxation. The world won’t end if you clock out at a reasonable hour and take a day off occasionally. Work-life balance is crucial for your well-being.

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Aquarius: Aloofness and Emotional Unavailability

Aquarius, sometimes you’re emotionally distant and detached. You have a cool vibe that can come across as uncaring. People feel like they have to pry your feelings out of you. It’s okay to have boundaries, but shutting everyone out and rebuffing affection only leads to loneliness. Practice showing your sensitive side and letting people in occasionally. Vulnerability is a strength, not a weakness. Connecting with others is important for your happiness.

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Pisces: Escapism Overload

You spend a lot of time in your own fantasy world. When life gets tough, you check out quickly, retreating into your imagination or numbing out with distractions. But constant escapism solves nothing. Those problems will be waiting for you when your mental vacation is over. Face your issues head-on instead of avoiding them. Reality can be harsh, but avoiding it only makes things harder in the long run. Confront your challenges directly.

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Piper Ryan is a NYC-based writer and matchmaker who works to bring millennials who are sick of dating apps and the bar scene together in an organic and efficient way. To date, she's paired up more than 120 couples, many of whom have gone on to get married. Her work has been highlighted in The New York Times, Time Out New York, The Cut, and many more.

In addition to runnnig her own business, Piper is passionate about charity work, advocating for vulnerable women and children in her local area and across the country. She is currently working on her first book, a non-fiction collection of stories focusing on female empowerment.