15 Clever Phrases That Instantly Humble An Arrogant Person

15 Clever Phrases That Instantly Humble An Arrogant Person

Dealing with a person whose ego knows no bounds can be incredibly draining. We all have those moments where we’re a little too proud of ourselves, but there’s a fine line between celebrating an accomplishment and shoving it down everyone’s throats. If you’re tired of their constant bragging and need a way to deflate their inflated sense of self, it’s time to fight back with a little verbal judo. Here are 15 clever phrases designed to deliver a quick dose of humility to even the most stubbornly arrogant people.

1. “Are you done yet?”

Good manners are important to show respect and consideration, Headspace points out, but sometimes you just have to speak up. This isn’t about politeness. Interrupting their bragging monologue with such a blunt question throws them completely off-script. It highlights how long they’ve been dominating the conversation. Pair it with a deadpan stare for maximum impact, sending the message that their self-promotion is both boring and unwelcome.

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2. “Funny, I don’t remember asking…”

They’re humblebragging, trying to sneak in praise for themselves under the guise of a regular story? Shut it down immediately. This response highlights the fact that nobody asked for their self-assessment and reminds them that their opinion of themselves isn’t universally shared.

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3. “And that’s relevant to me… how?”

If they won’t stop going on about some accomplishment totally unrelated to you or the conversation, force them to explain why on earth you should care. This exposes their self-centered worldview, where they assume their experiences are inherently fascinating to everyone around them.

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4. “You get that makes you sound like a jerk, right?”

Sometimes you have to call it like it is. This blunt approach might shock them into a bit of self-awareness (although don’t get your hopes up). Putting their arrogance in such harsh terms forces them to confront how their behavior affects other people.

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5. Silence and a raised eyebrow

Nonverbal communication is your weapon here. Let them ramble on and on, then stop and just look at them with a skeptical expression. That silence and skepticism force them to confront how ridiculous they sound, even though you haven’t uttered a single critical word.

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6. “Honestly, do you even hear yourself?”

Calling into question their self-awareness is a powerful move. After an especially obnoxious brag-fest, this forces them to consider whether they’re so caught up in their own hype that they haven’t noticed how insufferable they’ve become. It might even prompt a tiny bit of introspection.

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7. “Could you dial back the ego to, like, a five?”

This one’s got a bit of sarcasm, but it still makes your point clear. You’re acknowledging their inflated ego without a direct insult, perhaps even injecting humor to soften the blow. Use this when you want to call out their arrogance without a full-blown confrontation. As Psychology Today points out, you can give big egos a “humble humbling” to bring them back down to earth, and this is one way of doing it.

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8. “I’d be impressed if it wasn’t so obvious you’re full of it.”

Ouch. This cuts through any fake sincerity in their bragging. Use it when they’re clearly putting on a performance, more concerned with impressing others than conveying anything genuine. It exposes their insecurity – they need external validation so badly they can’t even be subtle about it.

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9. “I’ll be sure to let you know when I’m interested.”

If they won’t shut up about how amazing they are, stop listening. Walk away mid-sentence, but toss this parting shot over your shoulder. It sends the message loud and clear that you’re not a captive audience for their ego trip.

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10. “So what else do you have going for you?”

This forces them to confront the fact that obsessing over one thing or accomplishment makes them seem one-dimensional. Can they offer any other interesting conversation topics, or is their entire personality built around this one area where they maybe excel?

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11. “Weird flex, but okay…”

Save this for when they’re bragging about something that’s either completely irrelevant or oddly unimpressive. It’s laced with sarcasm, so let that judgment hang in the air. They’ll be so baffled they won’t even know how to respond.

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12. “You do realize that nobody’s perfect, right?”

This is a simple, much-needed reality check. Even if they’re genuinely accomplished, this bursts their bubble of self-importance by reminding them that everyone has flaws and room for growth. It brings them back down to earth in a non-confrontational way. If they do legitimately suffer from perfectionism, Verywell Mind has some great tips you might want to pass on so they can start to accept or even embrace their flawed nature.

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13. “Okay, I’ve got places to be.”

man talking to his dad

It’s simple, direct, and leaves no room for argument. You’re not sticking around for another minute of their bloated ego. The best comeback is denying them an audience. Walking away shows they don’t have the power to hold you captive with their self-obsession.

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14. “I admire your confidence, but…”

mom and dad talking to adult kids

Start with a bit of genuine positivity (which they desperately crave), then hit them with a reality check: “…it’s overkill, and you’re coming off as incredibly conceited”. This makes them question their behavior without a total insult, potentially having more impact than a direct attack.

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15. “I’m happy for you, truly. Now, can we change the subject?”

This offers genuine acknowledgment (even if it’s a bit begrudging) which they need, but also firmly shifts the conversation. It effectively shuts down their gloating without being openly antagonistic, making it a good option when you want to maintain civility.

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Phoebe Mertens is a writer, speaker, and strategist who has helped dozens of female-founded and led companies reach success in areas such a finance, tech, science, and fashion. Her keen eye for detail and her innovative approach to modern womanhood makes her one of the most sought-out in her industry, and there's nothing she loves more than to see these companies shine.

With an MBA from NYU's Stern School of Business and features in Forbes and Fast Company she Phoebe has proven she knows her stuff. While she doesn't use social media, she does have a private Instagram just to look at pictures of cats.