How nice would it be to make enough money where you didn’t have to worry? Think about it: you’d never have to stress about how much takeout you’re ordering per month, whether or not you can really afford that daily $10 matcha, or gas prices. And that’s just the small stuff — think about what it would do for bigger expenses like a mortgage or your child’s education. Your financial woes would be gone! You and I deserve to live that life. The way we’re going to do that is by repeating these 10 money mantras every day:
1. “My Life Is Filled With Wealth.”
They say you attract what you believe, so if you believe that you’re already wealthy, you’ll call in more wealth. Makes sense. An easy way to feel connected to this idea? Think about all of the things you have right now (family, a good group of friends, a great apartment) — this will signal the universe to send more your way.
2. “I Release My Fears Around Money.”
The truth is that a lot of people have financial trauma. Whether it’s from childhood or more recent experiences, wanting money (and lacking it) can come with so much fear. It’s natural to feel that way, but that doesn’t have to be the case! If you can work on kicking those fears to the curb, then the money will follow.
3. “I Am Worthy Of The Wealth I Desire.”
Ever heard of a little thing called limiting beliefs? They’re the pesky (untrue) thoughts you have about yourself that make you believe you’re not worth it. But you are worth it and it’s time to start acting like it because when you can acknowledge your value, that’s when everything will change.
4. “I See Myself Reaching My Money Goals.”
There’s a reason why Olympic athletes visualize themselves winning the gold. That’s because it helps them actually aim for first place when they’re in the thick of competition. It works the same with money: if you can believe and see yourself getting to the finish line, you will.
5. “I’m Always Looking For New Sources Of Income.”
Have you ever been thinking about a song and then it plays in a random store later that day? Or how about that time you were craving sweets and your neighbor knocked on your door with some cookies? That wasn’t a coincidence — that was manifestation at work, baby. Now, replace the thoughts about songs and cookies with thoughts about cash-making opportunities and we’re in business.
6. “I Give Myself Permission To Prosper And Grow.”
Sometimes your subconscious mind operates under the idea that you can’t or shouldn’t do something because of outdated fears (there are those pesky limiting beliefs again). The key to not letting it stop you is by using your conscious mind—when you consciously give yourself permission to achieve everything you desire, your subconscious mind will follow.
7. “I Am Grateful For Money.”
Have you ever written in a gratitude journal? If you have, then you know the overwhelming surge of positivity and joy you feel when you’re expressing thanks for the things in your life. If you’ve made it a regular practice, then you probably also know that gratitude breeds abundance. The bottom line: more gratitude = more green.
8. “I Receive And Accept Unexpected Money.”
This is all about opening up that money portal. You may not realize it, but a lot of us walk around closed-off, whether that’s to other people, other opportunities that could make us money, or something else. When you intentionally open yourself up to the idea of receiving, the universe will bring you things to receive.
9. “I Spend My Money Wisely.”
Simply saying this mantra can spur a spree of positive and proactive moolah-related actions like investing, saving, and making decisions from a place of safety and knowledge. When you continuously tell yourself that you’re good with money, the more likely you are to take control and make that happen in your everyday life. Pretty cool trick, huh?
10. “I Am In Control Of My Financial Future.”
If this mantra doesn’t light a fire under your butt to get out there and make that money, then I don’t know what will. Looking at money as something that’s within your control (rather than something that just “happens” to you) is an inspiring, motivating, and encouraging perspective that will pay off.
11. “Making Money Is Easy.”
When you shift your focus from the difficulty of a task to the ease of a task it becomes, well, easier. It’s a simple shift but it really works. So why not invite the ease into your life by speaking it into existence, ya know? Some may call it delusional, I call it rewiring your brain.
12. “I Choose To Only Think Positive Thoughts About Money.”
I know this is probably easier said than done (it’s not hard to feel stressed, negative, or worried when it comes to money!). But when you think positive things, positive things happen. Simple as that.
13. “Abundance Is My Right And I Deserve It.”
Remember when we talked about low self-worth and how limiting beliefs? This mantra is great for undoing that mindset. You have just as much of a right to abundance as you do the other things in life — you deserve it and it’s time to start believing that.
14. “Every Dollar I Spend Comes Back To Me Multiplied.”
When you’re spending money it can feel like you’re “losing” or “giving away” something, but guess what? You’re feeding your subconscious with thoughts that oppose the very thing you want. So, feed your subconscious better thoughts, like this mantra, and watch your money multiply.
15. “My Passion Can Make Me Rich.”
There seems to be a common belief that you can’t make money doing something you’re passionate about. Let’s ban that in 2024, because, here’s the thing: you can do whatever you want in this life and you can make money doing it! Who’s with me?
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