Sneaky Behaviors Of People You Should Never Ever Trust

Sneaky Behaviors Of People You Should Never Ever Trust

If you’ve ever met someone who didn’t sit right with you but couldn’t quite put your finger on why, that uneasy feeling is your gut trying to warn you. The truth is, untrustworthy people often have sneaky, tell-tale behaviors that give them away—if you know what to look for. These aren’t just the obvious red flags but the subtle, under-the-radar moves that tell you to keep your distance. Whether it’s a manipulative coworker, a fake friend, or someone new in your life, spotting these behaviors early can save you a lot of heartbreak and drama.

1. They Make Intense Eye Contact

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Eye contact is vital to human connection, but too much of a good thing can quickly become unsettling. If someone makes prolonged, intense eye contact, it might seem like they’re trying to dominate the interaction rather than foster trust. According to research in Peep Strategy, some people use sustained eye contact to assert dominance or control in social situations. They know eye contact is perceived as honest and reliable, so they might weaponize it to disarm you.

Such intensity could indicate they’re overcompensating for something they’re trying to hide. Their goal might be to make you feel vulnerable or compliant while steering the conversation in their favor. They might also use this tactic to test your reactions or read your body language for weaknesses. This could be a red flag if you notice they rarely break eye contact, especially when you feel uneasy. Healthy interactions should feel balanced and not like a game of psychological chess.

2. They Appear Fidgety And Distracted Around You

Fidgeting and distracted behavior can be a sign someone isn’t being truthful or invested in the conversation, according to Global English Editing. For example, they might start scrolling through their phone, reorganizing objects on the table, or fiddling with their clothing when you’re speaking. These actions can signal that they’re mentally disengaged or looking for a way to avoid the topic at hand. While some people fidget out of nervousness or habit, excessive fidgeting during a conversation can indicate discomfort or dishonesty.

Distracted behavior can also indicate they’re lying and trying to avoid your scrutiny. Shifty actions might be a way of redirecting your attention away from what they’re saying. Pay close attention to how often they interrupt the flow of conversation with unrelated activities. People who are genuinely invested in your interaction will remain present and engaged. Their body language, such as leaning forward or nodding, will convey openness, not distraction. If you find yourself competing with their wandering focus, it might be time to reconsider their intentions.

3. They Distract You So You Can’t See Through Them

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Untrustworthy people often use distraction as a shield to avoid exposing who they really are. For instance, when you try to have a deep or meaningful conversation, they might steer it in another direction with humor or flattery. At first, this tactic might seem harmless or even charming, but it’s designed to keep you guessing. Instead of addressing important topics, they might pivot to lighthearted banter or irrelevant anecdotes. While it may feel like they’re trying to make things fun, it’s often a smokescreen for avoidance.

This behavior becomes more concerning when you notice a consistent pattern of redirection. They may brush off serious issues with vague responses or deflect by making you the focus. Their goal is to prevent you from digging too deep into their personal life or intentions. Over time, this can leave you feeling unheard or dismissed. Trustworthy people are willing to engage in honest discussions, even when they’re uncomfortable. If someone continuously uses distractions to avoid connection, it’s a clear warning sign.

4. They Lure You In With Their [Fake] Openness

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People who seem overly open early on can appear trustworthy, but their openness might be a tactic to manipulate you. Sharing intimate or vulnerable details too soon can create a false sense of connection. According to Psychology Today, confiding in someone immediately with personal stories can be a strategy used by manipulators to gain your trust quickly. While genuine openness takes time to build, these people often rush it to convince you they’re authentic. They may share deeply personal stories that seem out of place for how long you’ve known them. This can make you feel special, like you’ve been let into their inner world.

However, their sudden openness often serves as bait to gain your trust quickly. Once you reciprocate by sharing your secrets, they might use this information against you later. They’re not genuinely interested in building a genuine connection—they’re setting the stage for manipulation. This behavior can confuse and exploit you once their true intentions come to light. Genuine trust develops gradually, so beware of anyone who tries to fast-track that process. Authentic relationships are built on consistent actions, not rushed confessions.

5. They Move Too Fast to Get to Know You

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Moving too quickly in a relationship or friendship can be a red flag that someone’s motives aren’t genuine. They may push for a deeper connection before you’ve had time to establish trust. For instance, they might suggest becoming exclusive after just a few dates or refer to you as their “best friend” after meeting a handful of times. While this can feel flattering, it often signals an agenda to control or manipulate. According to Simply Psychology, people who rush into relationships may exhibit signs of love bombing, a tactic used to gain control over someone by overwhelming them with affection. They’re trying to create an illusion of intimacy without putting in the necessary time and effort.

This rushed behavior can also be a way to test your boundaries. By moving quickly, they gauge how much they can get away with and whether you’ll push back. Healthy connections grow at a comfortable pace, with both parties feeling secure. If someone pressures you to commit before you’re ready, it’s worth questioning why they’re in such a hurry. Relationships that start fast often burn out just as quickly. Take time and trust your instincts—real bonds aren’t built overnight.

6. They Don’t Apologize For Anything

incompatibility signs

Refusing to apologize is one of the clearest indicators that someone lacks accountability. When confronted about their mistakes, they might deflect, justify their actions, or turn the blame on you. Apologies are fundamental to maintaining trust and resolving conflicts, but untrustworthy people avoid them at all costs. Instead, they may downplay the issue or act as though you’re overreacting. This inability to take responsibility shows they value their ego more than the relationship.

Not apologizing also signals a lack of empathy. It suggests they don’t care about how their actions affect others. Over time, this can create an unhealthy dynamic where you’re constantly forgiving without receiving any acknowledgment of wrongdoing. Relationships thrive on mutual respect, and apologies are a key part of that. If someone can’t admit when they’re wrong, it’s unlikely they’ll be trustworthy in other areas. Look for people who are willing to own up to their mistakes—it’s a sign of integrity.

7. They Gossip About Others to You

When someone constantly gossips about others, it may feel like you’re bonding over shared secrets, but it’s a red flag for manipulation. Gossiping is often used to create a false sense of intimacy. If someone freely shares other people’s private matters with you, it’s a sign they’re likely to do the same with your secrets. This behavior reveals their inability to respect boundaries and maintain confidentiality. While it can be tempting to listen, remember that their behavior says more about their character than the people they’re talking about.

Additionally, gossip can be a way to control or influence how you perceive others. They may use it to isolate you or make you dependent on their version of events. Over time, this can create an unhealthy dynamic where you feel pressure to join in or appease them. Trustworthy people build connections through kindness and respect, not by tearing others down. If you notice a pattern of negative talk, it’s worth reconsidering how much you share with them. Actions speak louder than words—focus on what they do, not just what they say.

8. They Question Your Trust And Loyalty

Someone questioning your trustworthiness might be projecting their insecurities or bad behavior onto you. For instance, they might ask if you’re being honest or suggest they’re afraid you’ll betray them. While this may seem like vulnerability, it often masks deeper trust issues or manipulation tactics. They could be trying to guilt you into proving your loyalty while avoiding accountability for their actions. This kind of emotional manipulation can create doubt and tension in the relationship.

By shifting the focus onto you, they avoid scrutiny of their behavior. It’s a subtle way of controlling the narrative and keeping you on the defensive. Over time, this can erode your confidence and make you question yourself. Healthy relationships are built on mutual trust, not constant questioning or suspicion. If someone consistently doubts your integrity without cause, it’s a red flag. Their accusations often say more about their intentions than yours.

9. They Never Show Guilt Or Remorse

A lack of guilt or remorse is a major indicator that someone may not be trustworthy. It shows they lack empathy if they hurt someone and dismiss it as no big deal. They might even laugh it off or blame the victim instead of taking responsibility. This behavior can be deeply unsettling, especially if it’s part of a pattern. People who don’t feel remorse often cannot recognize how their actions affect others, making it hard to trust them.

This indifference can manifest in how they treat both you and others around them. Watch how they respond to situations where an apology or acknowledgment is warranted. If they never seem to learn from their mistakes or genuinely care about making amends, it’s a bad sign. Trustworthy individuals prioritize repairing relationships and respecting the feelings of others. Without guilt or remorse, their actions are likely to continue causing harm. It’s important to prioritize relationships with people who show emotional accountability.

10. They Make Snide Comments (Often)

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Snide or passive-aggressive comments often reveal deeper issues. These remarks can be disguised as jokes, such as “Wow, you’re brave for wearing that outfit” or “I guess not everyone can keep up with trends.” While they may laugh them off, their intent is to undermine your confidence or create self-doubt. Over time, these small jabs can add up and damage your self-esteem, leaving you feeling insecure.

This behavior allows them to exert control or superiority in the relationship. By masking criticism as humor, they avoid taking responsibility for their words. If you call them out, they might accuse you of being overly sensitive, further deflecting blame. Trustworthy people build others up rather than tearing them down with subtle insults. If you notice a pattern of snide remarks, it’s worth addressing the issue directly or re-evaluating the relationship. Genuine support doesn’t come with hidden barbs.

11. They Shower You With [Fake] Compliments

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Over-the-top compliments may feel flattering, but they can also be a manipulation tactic. When someone showers you with praise, it can create a false sense of connection or obligation. They might say things like, “You’re the smartest person I’ve ever met,” or “I’ve never felt this way about anyone before.” While these words seem kind, they can be designed to win your trust quickly. This tactic, known as love-bombing, often precedes attempts to control or exploit you.

Excessive praise can also make you question your instincts. You may feel guilty for doubting someone who’s being so nice, even if their actions raise concerns. Healthy relationships involve balanced feedback, not constant flattery. Trustworthy people offer genuine compliments without expecting anything in return. If the praise feels excessive or insincere, it’s worth noting how their actions align with their words. Authenticity comes through consistency, not grandiose statements.

12. They Don’t Deliver On Their Promises

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Broken promises are a classic sign of unreliability and untrustworthiness. When someone frequently makes commitments they don’t follow through on, it signals a lack of respect for your time and feelings. They might apologize profusely or come up with elaborate excuses, but the pattern remains the same. Over time, this behavior can erode your trust and leave you feeling let down. A trustworthy person will make the effort to honor their word or communicate openly if they can’t.

Consistently breaking promises also indicates poor accountability. They may promise you the world to gain your trust, only to backpedal or disappear when it’s time to deliver. This kind of behavior can be emotionally draining and frustrating. Reliable people understand that their actions carry weight and work to build credibility over time. If someone’s words and actions rarely align, it’s a sign to reassess their role in your life. Trust is earned through consistency, not empty assurances.

13. They Keep the Conversation Focused On You

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At first, it might feel flattering when someone seems intensely interested in you and keeps the conversation centered on your life. They’ll ask questions about your goals, experiences, and feelings, giving you the impression they care deeply. However, if they rarely share anything about themselves, it could be a tactic to avoid vulnerability. By keeping the spotlight on you, they prevent you from getting to know them meaningfully. This imbalance often leaves you feeling uncertain about who they really are.

This approach can also be a way to gather information about you for manipulative purposes. They might use your openness against you later or exploit your vulnerabilities to their advantage. Healthy relationships involve a balance of sharing and listening, where both parties feel seen and heard. If someone always redirects the focus onto you, it’s worth questioning why they’re so reluctant to open up. Trustworthy people are comfortable being authentic and letting you into their world.

14. They Keep Their Communication Vague

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Vague answers and unclear communication are common tactics untrustworthy people use to avoid accountability. For example, they might frequently say “maybe” or “we’ll see” instead of giving direct responses. This lack of commitment can leave you feeling uncertain and frustrated. They might also withhold details about their plans or past, creating an air of mystery that makes it harder to build trust. When someone avoids clarity, it often indicates they have something to hide.

This behavior can also be a way to keep you on edge or maintain control of the relationship. By staying vague, they avoid taking responsibility for their actions and keep you guessing their true intentions. Reliable people value transparency and strive to communicate openly and honestly. If someone’s answers always leave you with more questions than clarity, it’s a red flag. Trust is built on openness, not ambiguity.

15. Their Actions Don’t Match Their Words

man in leather jacket and sunglasses standing casual

The clearest indicator of someone’s trustworthiness is whether their actions align with their words. For example, they might claim to value honesty but frequently tell small lies. Or they could talk about being hardworking while rarely following through on their responsibilities. These inconsistencies reveal their true character and suggest they’re not as reliable as they seem. Words are easy, but actions require effort and commitment and are a measure of someone’s integrity.

Observing patterns in their behavior is crucial. Trustworthy people demonstrate consistency over time, proving their claims aren’t just for show. On the other hand, untrustworthy people often make excuses or blame external factors for their inconsistencies. Pay attention to how they handle challenges or deliver on promises—this will give you valuable insight into their character. Trust isn’t about what someone says but what they do. Actions always speak louder than words.

Danielle is a lifestyle writer with over 10 years of experience crafting relatable content for both major media companies and startups.