15 Things Single Women Of Color Are Tired Of Hearing

Your assumptions are wrong. Your pre-convieved notions about my sexuality are boring. Your attempts to exotify me make my eyes roll so hard I can see my brain. Here are 15 things single women of color are tired of hearing from your boring, self-entitled, ignorant and yes, racist, mouth:

  1. Do you only date people of your own race? No, I only date people who have read bell hooks.
  2. Do you usually date outside of your race? I usually don’t date ignorant douchebags.
  3. Where are you from? We both know what that quizzical expression means, but I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt.
  4. Where are you really from? My bad. All benefits of all doubts revoked.
  5. Where are your parents from? I’m so glad you asked. Finally, a chance to whip out their birth certificates. And my friends told me carrying these around all day, every day was ridiculous! Now who looks silly?
  6. Will you have an arranged marriage? Yes, I would prefer that there be a date, time, location, good food and a sweet-ass sax player. Someone’s got to pull all that stuff together.
  7. What do your parents think of you dating outside of your race? They were super specific about what color penises I’m allowed — right after we had the sex talk — but that’s private.
  8. How come all your friends are white? I think it has something to do with the melanin in their skin.
  9. How come all your friends are the same [non white] race? Again. I think it has something to do with the melanin in their skin.
  10. You’re not like other [insert race here] people. Oh, wow, you’ve met all people of my race? You now know more about my race than I do. Please, educate me.
  11. I should set you up with my friend, they’re [your race], too! Great, we can talk about how not all our friends are as racist as you.
  12. Are you only attracted to [non-white] men/women? No, it’s cyclical. I date different races in different seasons. This month is ‘Benevolent Caucasian’ month.
  13. “You know, you’re the first [specific race] person I’ve been attracted to.” I’m glad you’re broadening your horizons. I’ll also be the first -specific race- person who has ever dumped your ass, too.
  14. Do your parents even allow you to date? You’d be surprised at how cool they are about it. Sometimes, I even go to bed without brushing my teeth, and it’s, like, no big deal at all.
  15. Hey, do you know who you remind me of? *names one prominent and zeitgeisty celebrity of the same race* That’s so weird,  ’cause you remind me of every human I’ve ever hated.