16 Things You Should Never Keep To Yourself — People Need To Know!

16 Things You Should Never Keep To Yourself — People Need To Know!

There’s something liberating about reaching a stage in life where you feel less beholden to social expectations and less concerned about other people’s approval. This newfound freedom allows you to speak your truth and embrace authenticity, and that feels absolutely amazing. Here are some things you should never keep to yourself. Shout them from the rooftops!

1. Your dreams, big and small

Holding your dreams close to your chest because you’re afraid of judgment, failure, or the practicality of chasing them only deprives you. Sharing your goals with supportive people can create unexpected opportunities for connection and collaboration. Voicing your dreams aloud makes them more concrete and helps you create action plans. Plus, who knows, you might inspire someone else to do the same, which creates a ripple effect of positive aspiration.

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2. Your true feelings on divisive topics with people you trust

Respectfully exchanging contrasting opinions leads to growth. Remaining silent on issues you’re passionate about can fuel internal frustration and make you feel inauthentic. While you obviously want to communicate tactfully, bottling up your true stance simply to avoid conflict prevents deep connections and the opportunity to broaden your perspective. Engaging in respectful dialogue with loved ones allows us to exercise empathy and sometimes even find common ground amidst disagreement.

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3. Your gratitude for the people in your life

Life speeds by. Don’t assume loved ones know how much they mean to you. Expressing gratitude, even for the small things, makes both you and the recipient feel good! It strengthens relationships and fosters a sense of connection and appreciation. Whether a heartfelt thank-you note, an unexpected gift, or a simple phone call to say “I was just thinking about you,” voicing your gratitude nourishes bonds and makes life sweeter for everyone involved.

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4. When you need help or don’t have the answers

Pride can hold us back. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness, it’s a recognition of our limits. Everyone needs support at times. Whether you’re tackling a difficult work project, overwhelmed emotionally, or simply need a hand moving furniture, don’t let the fear of appearing less capable prevent you from asking. Often, people are more than willing to help, and reaching out lightens your load while fostering a community where mutual support is the norm.

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5. Your failures and the lessons learned from them

Our culture often celebrates success while shying away from the messiness of failure. Sharing your missteps demystifies the path to achievement and makes you relatable. The lessons you learned from falling down are invaluable knowledge that can benefit others. Embracing your setbacks with a growth mindset inspires and fosters resilience – reminding everyone that mistakes are part of the human experience and a catalyst for progress.

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6. Your boundaries in friendships, work, and family relationships

People-pleasing and failing to prioritize your own needs lead to resentment and burnout. Articulating your boundaries is an act of self-respect. It can be uncomfortable at first but gets easier with practice. Kindly but firmly stating your limits – whether it’s saying “no” to additional responsibilities, asking for quiet time, or declining invitations – creates healthier dynamics and helps others understand your needs, resulting in less frustration and stronger relationships.

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7. Your compliments for other people

Did a coworker deliver an exceptional presentation? Has your friend been your rock during a tough time? Does a stranger have the most infectious smile? Voicing those positive observations brings joy to both you and the receiver. A culture of noticing and expressing what’s good creates a more positive environment for everyone to thrive. Plus, it makes you more attuned to searching for those silver linings, amplifying the good all around.

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8. Your unique perspective, even if it might be unpopular

Diversity of thought is what makes the world interesting. Conforming for the sake of fitting in stifles innovation and prevents progress. While diplomacy matters, speaking your mind respectfully adds to the overall conversation. Don’t self-censor in a way that dims your voice. You might find surprising allies and, at the very least, encourage others to step out of their own echo chambers, broadening everyone’s perspectives.

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9. Your apologies and a desire to right a wrong

Holding on to guilt or refusing to apologize when you’ve hurt someone stunts emotional growth. If your actions (or inactions) caused pain, own it. A sincere apology doesn’t erase the past but paves the way for reconciliation and healing for both parties. Swallow your pride and do the right thing, even if it’s a long-overdue conversation. The peace it brings will outweigh the temporary discomfort of admitting fault.

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10. Your desire for something new, whether it’s a career change, a hobby, or reigniting an old passion

It’s never too late to explore your potential and pursue things that make you feel fulfilled. Bottling up the “what ifs?” of life only leads to regret. Don’t let age limit your dreams. Talk to people in the field you’re curious about, take that night class, audition for the community play. Even small steps towards something new can rekindle your spark and open unexpected doors.

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11. When you’re struggling, even if you put on a brave face for everyone else

The facade of endless strength is unsustainable. Vulnerability creates authentic connections and allows for true support, Psychology Today notes. Talking about your struggles (mental health, grief, loneliness, burnout…) doesn’t make you weak, it makes you human. You might be surprised by who resonates with your experience and can offer guidance or simply a listening ear. Seeking therapy if needed is a powerful act of self-care and shouldn’t carry any stigma.

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12. Your fears, anxieties, and those “silly” worries that take up mental space

Sharing your fears with someone you trust can help you unravel them and lessen their hold over you. Sometimes, simply saying them out loud makes them less monstrous. A confidant might provide new perspectives, help you problem-solve, or just offer a reassuring hug. The shame we often attach to our anxieties thrives in silence. Voicing them breaks that shame and starts the process of finding healthy ways to manage those uncomfortable emotions.

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13. Your feedback, constructive critique, and potential solutions

Holding back to avoid making waves might preserve momentary harmony, but it hinders positive change. If you see a way to improve systems at work, the dynamics in your community group, or even suggest a different recipe for that recurring potluck dish, speak up! Of course, do it with tact and focus on solution-oriented suggestions. Your contribution might be the catalyst for a much-needed change.

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14. Your love, admiration, and respect for the people who matter

Tell your parents, children, partner, friends, even a kind neighbor, how much they mean to you. These expressions of love and appreciation fill a universal human need for connection and belonging. It’s never too late, and it’s never said enough. These words of warmth linger long after they’re spoken, leaving a legacy of love and reminding those dear to you of their irreplaceable value.

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15. When you disagree, but offer your disagreement constructively

Respectful disagreement drives progress. Staying silent, especially when decisions affect you and your community, does nobody any good. Advocate for your views clearly and thoughtfully, focusing on objective reasoning rather than personal attacks. Even if you don’t ultimately change minds, engaging in the civil exchange of ideas strengthens critical thinking and encourages finding collaborative compromises.

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16. Your stories, the funny and the profound

Your life is a collection of unique experiences that shape who you are. Sharing your stories with the next generation, writing them down, or simply telling them at a dinner party preserves those moments for posterity and fosters connection. You carry a wealth of wisdom. Don’t keep it locked up! Engaging with others through your stories teaches, inspires, and builds bridges across generations.

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Piper Ryan is a NYC-based writer and matchmaker who works to bring millennials who are sick of dating apps and the bar scene together in an organic and efficient way. To date, she's paired up more than 120 couples, many of whom have gone on to get married. Her work has been highlighted in The New York Times, Time Out New York, The Cut, and many more.

In addition to runnnig her own business, Piper is passionate about charity work, advocating for vulnerable women and children in her local area and across the country. She is currently working on her first book, a non-fiction collection of stories focusing on female empowerment.