People Who Try Too Hard To Impress Everyone Usually Have These 16 Insecurities

People Who Try Too Hard To Impress Everyone Usually Have These 16 Insecurities

There’s nothing sadder than someone who consistently goes overboard trying to impress everyone all the time — even people they don’t like or respect. They seem to care way too much about what everyone else thinks of them all the time, and it’s usually because they’re battling these insecurities deep down.

1. “Am I Enough?”

People busting their guts to wow the crowd often have this little voice in their head constantly asking, “Am I good enough?” This nagging doubt pushes them to go overboard, trying to prove their worth to everyone (and their dog). It’s like they’re running a neverending marathon, where the finish line keeps moving every time they think they’re close to proving themselves.

2. “Do People Even Like Me?”

Ever noticed how some people try to be the life of the party, but it feels a bit…much? They’re usually the ones sweating bullets over whether they’re likable. It’s like they’re on a mission to collect friends like they’re limited edition sneakers, always on the lookout for approval to validate their social standing.

3. “Will I Ever Be Successful?”

For the overachievers in the room, nothing’s ever enough. They’re always chasing the next big thing, trying to impress with their list of accomplishments. But deep down, they’re wrestling with the worry that they might not actually make the cut, leading to a relentless pursuit of more accolades.

4. “Am I Interesting?”

You know those people who always have a wild story to share or some quirky hobby they picked up last weekend? They’re often trying to shake off the fear that they might just be plain ol’ vanilla in a world full of double fudge swirl. Each new tale or hobby is a shield against the dread of being forgettable.

5. “Do I Fit In?”

Trying too hard can also be a sign of someone playing dress-up, trying on different personas to see which one gets them into the cool club. It’s all about finding their tribe, but the insecurity makes them feel like a square peg in a round hole, constantly morphing in hopes of finally clicking into place.

6. “Will I Be Remembered?”

For some, it’s all about leaving a mark, making sure they’re not just another face in the crowd. This can lead to some pretty try-hard moves, all fueled by the worry that they might just fade into the background. The quest for a memorable legacy can turn into an obsession, overshadowing the joy of the present moment.

7. “Am I Smart Enough?”

Ever been in a conversation where someone’s dropping big words or facts like they’re hot potatoes? Yeah, that’s often coming from a place of worrying whether they measure up in the brain department. They’re trying to score points on the intellectual scoreboard, hoping to dazzle you into not noticing their insecurities.

8. “What’s My Thing?”

serious woman long dark hair outside

In a world obsessed with personal brands and being a “somebody,” the pressure to stand out can make people do some wacky stuff. It’s like they’re on a quest to find their “thing” that makes them special, but the fear of being just another Joe fuels their extra antics. The irony is, in their attempt to be unique and get as much attention as possible, they often end up blending in with every other try-hard.

9. “Can I Trust People?”

hipster guy in beanie on city street

Some people overcompensate with charm and charisma because they’re scared to let their guard down. They wonder if people are genuinely nice or just out to get something from them, leading to a performance of likability in hopes of winning allies before imagined betrayals can unfold. It’s a defensive dance, always staying one step ahead to avoid potential hurt.

10. “Am I Making a Difference?”

stressed guy looking at computer

Then there’s the person who’s always involved in every cause, posting every petition, and seemingly fighting every injustice. While their heart might be in the right place, sometimes it’s driven by a deep-seated fear that they’re not doing enough to make a real difference in the world. This can lead to an overwhelming need to be seen as a change-maker, even if it means stretching themselves too thin.

11. “Do I Have Good Taste?”

man with striped shirt looking serious

Ever come across someone who seems to be living inside a Pinterest board or Instagram feed, constantly updating their aesthetic to match the latest trends? Behind the curated collection of ‘likes’ and ‘follows’ might be a gnawing insecurity about their own sense of style and taste, leading to a relentless pursuit of external validation.

12. “Am I Being a Good Person?”

Some individuals go above and beyond to display their virtues, often in very public ways, because they’re wrestling with internal doubts about their own morality or goodness. This performative goodness is a way to quell their fears that they might not live up to their own or others’ ethical standards.

13. “Will I Find True Love?”

There’s the eternal romantic, always seen gushing about their latest crush or relationship, yet their extravagant displays might mask worries about finding lasting love. They overcompensate by jumping headfirst into romance, driven by the fear of ending up alone or unloved.

14. “Am I Fun to Be Around?”

Portrait of a serious young woman among other defocused faces on the street

This person is always on, ready with a joke, a game, or a plan, driven by the underlying worry that they might not be naturally enjoyable company. Their constant efforts to entertain can stem from a fear of being seen as dull or boring, leading to an exhausting existence of perpetual performance.

15. “Do I Have a Real Connection?”

serious man sitting on table

In a world where quantity often overshadows quality, some try hard to showcase a wide network of friends and acquaintances, hiding their insecurity about forming deep, meaningful connections. They might fear that without their efforts, the illusion of a bustling social life would crumble, revealing a more solitary existence.

16. “Is My Career Path Impressive?”

And let’s not forget the career climber, always talking up their latest project or name-dropping influential contacts. Underneath the hustle might be a deep fear of being seen as professionally inadequate or unaccomplished, driving them to constantly seek and broadcast validation of their career choices.

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Piper Ryan is a NYC-based writer and matchmaker who works to bring millennials who are sick of dating apps and the bar scene together in an organic and efficient way. To date, she's paired up more than 120 couples, many of whom have gone on to get married. Her work has been highlighted in The New York Times, Time Out New York, The Cut, and many more.

In addition to runnnig her own business, Piper is passionate about charity work, advocating for vulnerable women and children in her local area and across the country. She is currently working on her first book, a non-fiction collection of stories focusing on female empowerment.