Blind Mystic Baba Vanga’s Predictions For 2020 Are Pretty Terrible

Blind Mystic Baba Vanga’s Predictions For 2020 Are Pretty Terrible Wikimedia

Admittedly, I’m not one for mysticism or Confuscian predictions about the future, so I’ve never given much credence to Baba Vanga, the infamous Bulgarian prophetess. While she died all the way back in 1996, she made a series of revelations about things to come in the world before she passed away, and roughly 80% of them have come to pass. So what’s in store for 2020?

  1. It’s not good news. Just when you thought 2019 was a terrible year and things couldn’t get much worse, Baba Vanga has news for you: they can and they will, particularly for the likes of Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump.
  2. Putin may want to keep his enemies close. As Unilad reports, Baba Vanga, whose real name is Vangelia Gushterova, claims that in 2020, someone from within the Kremlin will attempt to assassinate the Russian leader and that his life may be in danger.
  3. Trump won’t fear much better, according to the mystic. Baba Vanga said that the US President will succumb to a mysterious illness that will leave him deaf. Not only that, but he’ll also be diagnosed with a brain tumor and have nausea and tinnitus, if Baba Vanga has it right. I’m not a fan of Trump or Putin, but I’m also not the type of person to wish harm on anyone regardless of who they are, so these two especially I hope are untrue.
  4. Tsunamis are coming. Baba Vanga also claimed that the likes of Alaska, China, Japan, and Alaska will all suffer natural disaster in the form of tsunamis. Not only that, but she believes roughly 400 people will die as a result of an earthquake in Asia.
  5. Europe will be under attack. According to Baba Yaga, Europe will be invaded by Muslim extremists who could launch chemical attacks. The situation is so serious, according to the Bulgarian, that Europe could reach ‘the end of its existence.’
  6. There will be an economic crisis as well. She believes that serious economic problems will hit European continent, which could be possible given the UK’s exit from the European Union next year.
  7. If you ask me, it’s all BS. Not only is it unlikely that a random old woman has the ability to predict events decades in the future in any way other than having a few lucky guesses, she’s gotten many predictions wrong, so her powers aren’t exactly reliable. If you’re someone who does believe in mysticism and/or Baba Vanga’s revelations, try not to stress too much.
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