There are countless studies done glorifying the benefits of having a spouse. From health to finances to overall “happiness,” you’d think finding a husband should be life goals for all of us. But as a woman who’s happily single, I have to say the grass is pretty green over this way as well.
- Single women set the rules. It doesn’t get much better than this. The only person you have to debate about life-altering decisions is yourself. There’s no compromise needed when you’re single. You don’t have to worry about pleasing anyone else. You also don’t have to worry about whether your actions will affect your significant other. You’re in complete control.
- We set our own schedule. I go out with friends after work without checking in. I make weekend plans that solely benefit me. The thought of making sure I come home at a decent hour never crosses my mind. That’s not the case when you’re married nor should it be. I’m not so sure I’m ready to give up all of this freedom just yet.
- We can choose to date—or not. Dating choices as a single woman are unmatched. I can wake up tomorrow and decide I never want to speak to a guy again, and that would be perfectly within my rights. We have no legal ties that would make it difficult to end things. I can also decide to date multiple people at the same time without any regret. What a life to live!
- We can sleep in the middle of the bed. This probably is my number one benefit of being single. Growing up, I always slept on the left side of my bed. It wasn’t until I bought my first house that I started trying out the middle. My life has now changed forever. I’m a pretty self-absorbed person as it is, so not having to share my house or bed with another individual is absolutely divine.
- We can clean up on our own time. When you’re single, cleaning is less of a chore and more of an option. My space is my space and my cleanliness doesn’t affect anyone but me. Oh, what a relief it is to come home and kick off my shoes, leaving them wherever they land. I’ll move them when I get good and ready.
- We can travel at will. I can’t explain how good it feels to book a flight somewhere fun without having to consult with another person first. I absolutely love to travel and I couldn’t imagine the limitations a relationship, specifically a marriage, would put on trip planning. Can we both agree on a destination? Can we both get time off of work? Can we afford this trip? These are questions I never have to deal with. When I want to go somewhere, I go. It’s that simple.
- We don’t have to cook. I actually don’t mind cooking, but I wouldn’t want to do it if it felt like it was an obligation. I’m also a very picky eater so I don’t have to worry about catering to anyone else’s taste buds but mine. Going to the grocery store every week is a task. I eat out more often than not. This isn’t very expensive when you’re single but it can become quite costly when eating for two.
- We can be selfish. Being single is a time to be self-absorbed. Focus on you, your goals and your dreams. I take full advantage of this opportunity every day. My selfishness isn’t detrimental to anyone else. In this case, it’s actually a true benefit. I’m becoming a better person by concentrating on me. It can be difficult to know what drives you when someone else is in the car riding along. Don’t be afraid of your self-seeking ambition. There’s no better time to embrace it.
- We won’t settle. Spending time alone gives you the opportunity to realize your true worth. Once you discover that inner happiness, you won’t allow just anyone in your life. While the person you choose shouldn’t be the sole creator of that joy, he should definitely add to it. Anything less would be unacceptable.
- We know the value of independence. There’s something to be said about a woman who’s able to stand on her own two feet. Sure, many of us desire love and relationships, but we know our lives don’t revolve around just that. When you can make things happen for yourself, it gives you the confidence to conquer the world.