Can The TikTok Date Stacking Trend Really Change Your Luck In Love?

Can The TikTok Date Stacking Trend Really Change Your Luck In Love?

If you want to find love but you’re struggling to find the time, you’re not alone. Most of us have so much happening on a daily basis that finding someone you like enough to go out with is tough, let alone actually finding a free afternoon or evening to meet up. Thankfully, TikTok’s new date stacking trend might be the answer.

What’s date stacking and why is it big on TikTok?


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♬ Selfcare-demo – Bella Moulden

It’s pretty much exactly what it sounds like: going on a bunch of dates in one day. How many dates you go on is up to you. How many can you handle? That sounds like the right number.

Admittedly, this probably seems a bit intense. However, TikTok users who swear by the date stacking technique insist that rather than being exhausting and a bit cold, it’s actually efficient and effective. If you have very limited time, this could be downright genius.

Date stacking was popularized by user @paretay, who shared a video in which she revealed that she’d gone on three dates in one night, with on scheduled per hour. “I’m booking them in one-hour slots at a time. Three dates, one Friday night, let’s go,” she said. Turns out, lots of people do the same (and if they weren’t previously, they are now!).

What are the advantages of stacking your dates?

  1. You save a lot of valuable time. When you don’t have much free time in general, you want to put every single second to good use. Date stacking means condensing what could have taken up several nights in your hectic week to a single evening. If you’re someone who values organization and efficiency, this is a major draw.
  2. You get to know more new people. It stands to reason that if you only have one night a week, date stacking is a great way to ensure you meet as many people as possible. For instance, maybe you plan three or four dates one night. You’ve literally tripled or quadrupled your dating pool. Hell, even going on two dates in a single night is doubling your chances.
  3. You have an excuse to dip out early from a bad date. Many devotees of the date stacking trend on TikTok would say this is probably the biggest advantage. If you’re on a date that’s going painfully bad, you don’t have to suffer through several more hours before you can make a swift exit. You have other plans you can’t be late for, so you’ll have to get going. Nice to meet them!
  4. You don’t take dates too seriously. Date stacking means you approach the search for love in a more lighthearted way. This takes the pressure off and actually allows you to have fun. That could just be the key to finding success.

Are there any downsides?


What is date stacking? #datingcoach #dating101 #datingadviceforwomen #howtodate

♬ original sound – Alexis | Love + Motherhood

Not many, but there are a few.

  1. The people you’re going out with might be offended. To be honest, they might do well to try date stacking themselves. However, some people will be really annoyed by the fact that you didn’t deem them worthy of dedicating a whole night to right off the bat. That can be tough to explain, especially since you might feel the same in their position.
  2. You could use it as a coping method. If you’re struggling with being alone and feeling lonely, date stacking can be a way to avoid spending time on your own. While it’s good to get out in the world, using date stacking as a band-aid for deeper issues will never end well.
  3. You don’t give one person your all. Taking the stress and pressure off of dating is a total relief, but the catch to that is that you never fully invest yourself in one person. Your attention is split between however many people you’re seeing that night, and that can make it hard to really build a connection. If you’re using it as a quick way to judge immediate chemistry, fair enough. Otherwise, be careful you’re not missing out on the very thing you’re looking for.
Jennifer has been the managing editor of Bolde since its launch in 2014. Before that, she was the founding editor of HelloGiggles and also worked as an entertainment writer for Bustle and Digital Spy. Her work has been published in Bon Appetit, Decider, Vanity Fair, The New York TImes, and many more.