15 Clashing Personality Traits That Make Couples Totally Incompatible

15 Clashing Personality Traits That Make Couples Totally Incompatible

While it’s good to have some differences from your partner — no one wants to date a carbon copy of themselves — there are certain personality traits that, when not on the same page, can lead to some serious clashing and derail your relationship before it really gets going. Opposites might attract, but these might be a bit too far.

1. The Committer vs. Eternal Bachelor

It goes without saying that a relationship between two people will never work if one person goes all-in and the other always has one foot out the door. The person who’s happy to commit will be anxious to reach relationship milestones will become disheartened and maybe even resentful when their partner is more standoffish and wants to take their dear sweet time to move forward.

2. The Problem-Solver vs. The Problem Avoider

Brushing issues under the carpet in a relationship may make things less awkward in the moment, but in the end, they’ll always snowball and become way bigger and much more damaging. If one person wants to talk things out the minute they crop up and the other likes to completely avoid problems and pretend they don’t exist, it won’t be long before things explode.

3. The Neat Freak vs. The Messy

Unhappy couple having crisis and difficulties in relationship

Talk about clashing personality traits! When a neat freak and a total slob pair up, the battleground is often over living space. The neat freak values order, cleanliness, and organization, finding peace in a well-arranged environment. On the other hand, the messy partner may not prioritize tidiness, leading to a space that feels chaotic to the one who needs things to be tidy. This can spark regular debates over household chores and shared spaces’ management.

4. The Risk-Taker vs. The Safety-Seeker

These clashing personality traits are all about the approach to life’s adventures and risks. Risk-takers are drawn to the excitement of new experiences and often engage in activities that involve a degree of risk because they love the adrenaline rush. Meanwhile, people who prioritize safety and routine clearly prefer stability and predictability, often worrying about the potential dangers in risky endeavors. This can lead to disagreements on everything from leisure activities to financial planning.

5. The Traditionalist vs. The Innovator

sad woman on edge of bed with boyfriend

The traditionalist values established norms, traditions, and the “tried and true” way of doing things. They find comfort in routine and the known. Innovators, however, are always looking for new, creative ways to do things, challenging the status quo and seeking out new experiences. This can create a divide in how they approach change, traditions, and even their outlook on societal norms and expectations. It can work, but it’ll take a bit of effort!

6. The Emotional Expresser vs. The Reserved

unhappy sad depressed couple fight argue

In the clash between someone who loves talking about their feelings and one who prefers to keep their cards close to their chest, communication is key. Emotional expressers are open and vocal about their feelings, believing in the importance of sharing what’s going on inside them on a regular basis. Meanwhile, those who are more reserved may find it challenging to express their emotions, either because they’re uncomfortable doing so or because they process feelings internally. Misunderstandings can occur when one expects more emotional openness than the other is comfortable giving.

7. The Pessimist vs. The Optimist

Unhappy couple having crisis and difficulties in relationship

A pessimist often sees the glass as half empty, while an optimist sees it as half full, personality traits which can lead to a serious clashing. The Debbie (or Donald!) Downer might focus on the potential downsides and prepare for the worst-case scenario, while the optimist remains hopeful and believes that everything will work out for the best in the end. These opposing outlooks can affect how they handle life’s ups and downs together, from minor hiccups to major life decisions.

8. The Tech Wizard vs. The Tech-Challenged

Unhappy couple having argument at home. Family, problem, quarell people concept.

This is a weird one but it’s still worth mentioning. The divide here is in the comfort and reliance on technology. Tech wizards are great with gadgets, and are always using the latest software, programs, or technology to get stuff done and make life easier. Tech-challenged people may feel overwhelmed by constant technological advancements and prefer traditional methods. This can lead to frustration when one partner is always connected while the other prefers to disconnect.

9. The High Energy vs. The Laid-Back

The hyper, high-energy person is always on the go, desperate for action and excitement at all times, while the more chill, laid-back partner enjoys taking things slowly and enjoying moments of calm and relaxation. This difference can affect everything from how they spend their leisure time to their approach to work and responsibilities, potentially leading to misunderstandings about each other’s pace of life. These clashing personality traits are tough to reconcile, especially since they dictate how people live their lives as a whole.

10. The Extrovert vs. The Introvert

In this pairing, the key difference lies in how they recharge and interact with other people. Extroverts draw energy from social interactions and enjoy being around people, often finding themselves seeking out conversations and social gatherings. Introverts, on the other hand, need alone time to recharge their social battery and often prefer deep, meaningful conversations with a few people rather than large groups. This difference can lead to a delicate balance in social situations, where one may feel drained while the other is energized.

11. The Dreamer vs. The Realist

The dreamer and the realist offer contrasting views on life and aspirations. Dreamers are often imaginative and optimistic, filled with big ideas and ambitions, sometimes without a concrete plan to achieve them. They live in a world of possibilities and what-ifs, which can seem magical but is often tiresome. Realists ground themselves in practicality and real life, focusing on achievable goals and tangible outcomes. They often plan carefully and are wary of overly ambitious schemes. This difference can manifest in how they approach future planning, career choices, and even daily decision-making, potentially leading to clashes over expectations and approaches to life as a whole.

12. The Intellectual vs. The Practical

The intellectual is often absorbed in theories, ideas, and abstract thinking. They love deep discussions and exploring complex topics. On the other hand, practical people prefer to focus on concrete facts, straightforward solutions, and real-world applications. They prefer discussions that have direct relevance to everyday life. This difference can lead to misunderstandings, as one may view the other as either too detached from reality or lacking imagination and depth in their thinking.

13. The Saver vs. The Spender

man upset on end of bed, girlfriend behind

Financial attitudes can significantly impact a relationship. Savers are cautious with money, always thinking about the future, savings, and financial security. They might prioritize budgeting and frugal living because they want to be prepared for any financial emergency or cost that might come their way. However, spenders enjoy the immediate gratification that comes from buying, whether it’s for themselves or others, and may not focus as much on long-term financial planning. This clash can lead to tension regarding budgeting, lifestyle choices, and long-term financial goals.

14. The Social Butterfly vs. The Homebody

couple standing back to back outside

The dynamic between a social butterfly and a homebody revolves around their social preferences. Social butterflies are energized by being around people, and they usually love big gatherings and social events. Homebodies, however, find solace and rejuvenation in solitude or quiet settings. This contrast can cause friction in deciding how to spend a weekend or a holiday, with each person’s comfort zone being challenged by the other’s preferences.

15. The Planner vs. The Spontaneous

The clash between a planner and someone who’s cool with flying by the seat of their pants can be more than just about schedules. Planners often find comfort in predictability and structure, meticulously organizing their lives, from dates to daily routines. On the flip side, people who are more spontaneous thrive on the thrill of unpredictability and impulse decisions. This can lead to a disconnect in how they approach not just their social life but also major decisions, like vacations or life plans.

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Phoebe Mertens is a writer, speaker, and strategist who has helped dozens of female-founded and led companies reach success in areas such a finance, tech, science, and fashion. Her keen eye for detail and her innovative approach to modern womanhood makes her one of the most sought-out in her industry, and there's nothing she loves more than to see these companies shine.

With an MBA from NYU's Stern School of Business and features in Forbes and Fast Company she Phoebe has proven she knows her stuff. While she doesn't use social media, she does have a private Instagram just to look at pictures of cats.