If You Find Someone With These 15 Qualities, Marry Them Before Someone Else Does

If You Find Someone With These 15 Qualities, Marry Them Before Someone Else Does

Walking down the aisle isn’t something to take lightly, so if you’re going to tie the knot, you want to be sure it’s with someone truly special. You know, the kind of person who makes you think, “Where have you been all my life?” It’s not just about butterflies and fireworks; it’s about the deep stuff that makes a relationship last. Here are some of the most important qualities to look out for that scream “keeper.” And if you find someone who ticks all these boxes, you might want to lock that down before someone else snatches them up.

1. They’re Kind to Everyone.

Outdoor shot of young affectionate couple standing close to each other on a rooftop party

There’s something about a person who treats everyone with kindness – it’s like they’ve got this inner glow that just doesn’t quit, no matter who they’re talking to. You see them chatting with the bus driver with the same respect and interest they’d show to, say, a CEO. They’ve got this universal kindness setting that’s always on. It’s not a show, it’s just who they are, and it’s pretty darn refreshing.

2. They’re Genuinely Supportive.

Portrait of happy young couple walking and talking in the countryside. Young man and woman enjoying on a nature hike.

Ever have someone in your corner who’s so into your dreams, you start believing they’re possible? That’s the kind of genuinely supportive person you marry. They’re the first to give you a high-five, the last to leave the cheering section, and the one slipping inspirational notes into your lunch. And it’s not just lip service; they’re ready to roll up their sleeves and help make those dreams a reality.

3. They Love You As You Are.

couple in denim standing against wall

In a world that’s constantly telling us we need to be more, better, or different, finding someone who just gets you and loves what they see? That’s the jackpot. They don’t love you with a list of conditions or asterisks. They love the weird laugh, the quirky habits, the loud snores. They love you on your bad hair days and your no-makeup Sundays. And it’s not just about tolerating all parts of you; it’s about genuinely loving them. It’s love in 3D – full, vibrant, and all-encompassing. (P.S. If you want to find a partner with all the qualities on this list, our sister site, Sweetn, can make that more likely. They have research-backed tips, tricks, and tools to overhaul your love life in just a few weeks. Check them out here!)

4. They’re Honest, But Not Hurtful.

Loving happy couple talking to each other at home

Honesty is a tricky thing. It’s easy to use it as a weapon, but the person you want to keep forever knows how to wield it like a surgeon’s scalpel – with precision and care. They’ll tell you when you’ve got spinach in your teeth or if that outfit isn’t working, but they do it in a way that doesn’t sting. They’ve got a knack for wrapping hard truths in soft packaging, and you’re all the better for it.

5. They Have Emotional Intelligence.

smiling man woman coffee outdoors lake

Some folks just get it. They understand emotions – yours and their own – and they handle them with the kind of grace that would make a ballet dancer jealous. It’s like they’ve got an emotional Swiss Army knife, and they’re always ready to defuse a bomb or fix a frayed nerve. With them, you don’t have to worry about overreacting or walking on eggshells. Conversations, even the tough ones, feel like safe spaces. That’s what emotional intelligence is all about.

6. They Make You Laugh.

flirty couple on park bench

When you find someone who can make you laugh until your sides ache, that’s serious business. It’s not just about cracking jokes; it’s about seeing the world in a way that brings a little more joy into every day. They find humor in the mundane, and suddenly, a trip to the grocery store can feel like an adventure. Laughter is the music of life, and they’re your favorite DJ.

7. They’re Resilient.

man woman walking through city center

Imagine someone who, no matter what life throws at them, keeps bouncing back like one of those inflatable clown punch bags. That’s resilience. They take the knocks, the setbacks, the whole circus of life, and come back with a smile. In a partner, that kind of bounce-back spirit is infectious. It means that when you hit the inevitable bumps on the road, you’ve got a co-pilot who isn’t going to bail at the first sign of engine trouble. Instead, they’re right there with you, roadmap in hand, ready to find a new route.

8. They’re Thoughtful.

smiling couple chatting on sofa

Have you ever met someone who remembers your half-mentioned likes and dislikes, and then actually brings them up or acts on them? It’s like they’ve got a mental diary of the tiny things that make you tick. And it’s not just remembering your birthday or your anniversary; it’s the little things. They know how you take your coffee, the way you furrow your brow when you’re concentrating, or that you always lose your keys. Their thoughtfulness shows they’re paying attention, and in a world full of distractions, that kind of focus is as rare as it is precious.

9. They Communicate Clearly.

millennial couple on romantic dinner date

Ever been in one of those conversations that’s as clear as mud? Well, a person you should marry is the opposite of that. They say what they mean and mean what they say. Their words aren’t riddles; they’re more like signposts, guiding you to understanding. When they talk, it’s not to fill the silence; it’s to share thoughts, to clear the air, or to bring you both closer. They’re about making connections, not confusion.

10. They Share Your Values.

couple having picniic on city rooftop

You’ve heard it before: opposites attract. Sure, but when it comes to the core stuff, the big-ticket life items, you want someone on the same wavelength. They don’t have to be your clone, but if you value family, integrity, kindness, or adventure, and they do too, you’re onto something good. Shared values are the compass that keeps you both navigating in the same direction even when the seas get choppy.

11. They’re Compassionate.

couple kissing outside in autumn

There’s something about someone with a big heart that just pulls you in, isn’t there? They’re the type that not only listens to your bad day but feels it with you. And it’s not just with you; they’re like that with everyone – they’ve got empathy in spades. They’ll be the first to volunteer to help, the first to reach out if someone’s in trouble. This kind of compassion can’t be faked; it’s as genuine as it gets, and it’s the sort of thing that makes you think, “Yeah, this is partner material.”

12. They Respect You.

happy couple laughing in kitchen

Now, respect – that’s a big one. It’s the foundation, the bedrock, the one thing that’s non-negotiable. And I’m not just talking about nodding along when you’re speaking. It’s in the way they consider your opinion, care for your feelings, and acknowledge your contributions. They respect your time, your space, your individuality. You feel seen, heard, and valued. It’s not about grand gestures; it’s in the day-to-day interactions where respect shines brightest, and boy does it make a difference.

13. They Don’t Want to Change You.

happy couple smiling embracing outdoors

There may be things about you that grind their gears a little bit — that’s only natural when you spend so much time with someone. However, the still wouldn’t change you for the world. As mentioned above, they love you just as you are, flaws and all. They recognize they’re not perfect either, so why should they ever expect you to be?

14. They Put in as Much as They Get Out.

hispanic couple cuddling on the couch

They don’t expect you to carry the weight of the relationship or do all the work to keep it going. They put in 100% effort every single day just like you. They want an equal partnership, not a replacement parent or someone to take care of them. They’re all about reciprocation, and that makes for a much more fulfilling and sustainable connection.

15. They’re 100% Certain About You.

couple cuddling with dog in bed

They don’t change their mind or play hot and cold when it comes to how they feel about you. From day one, they knew you were it for them and they acted accordingly. They know what they’re lucky enough to have, so they’d never want to do anything to endanger that. They make sure you know every day that they’ve never been more sure about anyone or anything in their lives.

Originally from Australia, Emma Mills graduated from the University of Queensland with a dual degree in Philosophy and Applied Linguistics before moving to Los Angeles to become a professional matchmaker (a bit of a shift, obviously). Since 2015, she has helped more than 150 people find lasting love and remains passionate about bringing amazing singletons together.

Emma is also the author of the upcoming Hachette publication, "Off the Beaten Track: Finding Lasting Love in the Least Likely of Places," due out in January 2025.