11 Signs You’re Addicted To Drama And It’s Ruining Your Life

11 Signs You’re Addicted To Drama And It’s Ruining Your Life iStock/South_agency

If peace feels boring to you and you can’t handle being alone in a quiet, soothing place, chances are you’re too used to having drama in your life. While it might be fun and get your adrenaline spiking, it can lead to stress and anxiety, and cause serious problems in your life. If you relate to the following signs, you’re addicted to drama and it’s killing the vibe and it’s time to break the habit.

1. Drama Is Following You Around.

Beautiful woman text messaging©iStock/freemixer

Does it feel like you’re attracting drama without even trying to? That can be a sign that you’re always laying the foundation for drama to occur. For instance, maybe you nitpicked everything your partner did for so long that they’ve started to snap and all you do is fight. Or maybe you talked so much crap about your “friend” and word got ’round to the rest of the group and now you’re the one they don’t like. You’re not a victim here, you’re the perpetrator.

2. You Love Stirring The Pot.

men drinking alcohol at the pub

You’re usually the person in your social circle who tries to get people to expose their true feelings or argue with each other, and that’s just not cool. You’re not in the “Real Housewives” franchise — this is real life. You have to look at why you tend to do this. Do you crave attention? Are you scared of boredom? Analyze your behavior so you can stop doing it.

3. You Team Up With Toxic People.

You can’t have happy, healthy relationships if you’re always getting into relationships with people who are toxic. Maybe they’re negative, critical, or make you feel anxious whenever you’re around them. This means you’re carrying drama everywhere you go, and it’s not worth it.

4. You Love Snacking On Gossip.

If you love nothing more than indulging in gossip, it’s a clear sign you’re addicted to having drama around you. Maybe you’re secretly attracted to negativity, which is sad. Gossip, although seemingly benign, can be toxic and harmful — and you can get a reputation for being a human tabloid.

5. You Ditch Nice Dates.

When you meet someone who’s really nice and down-to-earth, you might feel bored and want to swipe left instead of giving them a chance. This could be because you’re used to dating people who bring you drama and chaos, but that’s really no fun. Try the peaceful route for a change. A nice person’s going to treat you better and make you happier.

6. You Play The Victim.

If you’re always dramatic about your life, always exaggerating your bad experiences, you might feel like the world’s out to get you. You might even thrive on the attention you get for your sob stories. Chasing drama and sympathy could be messing with your perspective and sabotaging your happiness. No one wants to be around someone who loves playing the victim.

7. You’re Led By Your Emotions.

While it’s important to express what you feel, if your emotions make you engage in impulsive or reckless behavior, you need to learn to regulate them better. It might feel like you’re on an emotional rollercoaster that’s filled with extreme highs and lows, and it’s only going to increase your stress and anxiety. Stop the wild ride!

8. You Avoid Boredom.

Since you love the rush of drama, you might not know what to do with yourself when you’re bored. Instead of seeing it as a bad thing, try to see it as an opportunity to do something fun. You don’t need to rely on dramatic situations, like a bad relationship, to fill your days and give you something to do. Use that energy for something positive!

9. You’re Self-Absorbed.

If you love drama, you probably tend to focus on your latest dramas. It’s all about you! The result? You don’t make conversations a two-way street. Instead of listening to other people’s stories, you dominate chats with your own. It’s not fun for other people to talk to you because they can’t seem to grab the spotlight for five seconds before you jump in.

10. You Feel Out Of Control.

Bad things happen and you feel helpless. Maybe you think no matter what you do, you keep getting into dramatic situations, so there’s no use trying to fight it. Here’s a thought: try changing your perspective to eliminate some of the drama. For example, when minor inconveniences happen, don’t view them as huge disasters because you’re so quick to react. Control your emotions and reactions, and you’ll save yourself the stress.

11. You Speak In Hyperbole.

When you talk to people, you tend to exaggerate your stories a little to make them more interesting or to have greater shock value. So, you might say the date you went on was the worst date of your life instead of saying that it was a bit uncomfortable. This is usually combined with dramatic gestures and body language. You want to grab as much attention as you can, but isn’t it exhausting? You don’t have to try so hard to get people to listen to you!

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Giulia Simolo is a writer from Johannesburg, South Africa with a degree in English Language and Literature. She has been working as a journalist for more than a decade, writing for sites including AskMen, Native Interiors, and Live Eco. You can find out more about her on Facebook and LinkedIn, or follow her on Twitter @GiuliaSimolo.