13 Things Everyone Gets Wrong About Single People

13 Things Everyone Gets Wrong About Single People

Navigating the world of singlehood can be an obnoxious and often infuriating experience, especially since it tends to be clouded by  a bunch of outdated and frankly bizarre myths. Being single comes with its own unique set of experiences, challenges, and joys, and yet so many of us find ourselves having to debunk ridiculous assumptions along the way. Here are some of the worst stereotypes that just don’t apply to most of us — why do people think this?!

1. Single people are lonely.

So many people seem to think that all single people as lonely and desperate for a relationship, which just isn’t true. Many of us are quite happy and fulfilled with our solo lives. We enjoy our independence, have strong social circles, and we definitely don’t rely on a romantic partner for our happiness. Being single actually gives us the freedom to explore our interests and hobbies, develop a strong sense of self, and build meaningful relationships outside of the dating world.

2. If you’re single, something must be wrong with you.

The idea that single people are single because we’re flawed in some way is both unfair and untrue. Newsflash: people can be single for myriad reasons that have nothing to do with our worth or attractiveness. Some of us are single by choice, while others are focusing on their careers or personal growth, and some just haven’t found the right person yet. Being single is not a reflection of a person’s value, for goodness’ sake.

3. Single people hate being alone.

Contrary to this myth, many single people actually enjoy and value their alone time. I know I do! It allows us time and space to be introspective, do our own thing, and enjoy our own company without the need for constant social interaction. Enjoying being alone is different from being lonely, just FYI. It’s about finding contentment and joy in your own presence. If you struggle with that, our sister site, Sweetn, can definitely help, by the way. They have some amazing tips and tricks to overhaul your mind — and your love life too.

4. Single people are always available/have nothing to do.

There’s this weird idea that if you’re single, you must have loads of free time and no commitments. In reality, single people often have busy lives filled with hobbies, careers, social activities, and personal goals. Being single doesn’t mean we’re just sitting around waiting for things to happen. We value our time and often have schedules that are just as hectic as they are for people in relationships.

5. Single people are selfish.

guy looking at his mobile while he's eating pizza

Some believe that single people are selfish because we’re living life on our own terms. However, being single and making choices based on personal preferences doesn’t equate to selfishness. Many single people do a lot to contribute to our communities, we maintain strong friendships, and we have close family ties. We’re not any different just because we’re not coupled up.

6. Single people will never truly be happy until they’re in a relationship.

This myth is damaging as it suggests that single people are incomplete or leading lesser lives, and that’s total BS. Happiness and fulfillment come from within, not solely from being in a romantic relationship. Single people can lead rich, satisfying lives full of joy, purpose, and personal achievements, and guess what — we do! True happiness is about being content with yourself regardless of relationship status.

7. Single people don’t know what love is.

Some people assume that single people are inexperienced or ignorant about love. In reality, a lot of us often have a deep understanding of love, possibly from past relationships, friendships, family ties, or even the way we love ourselves. Being single does not mean we’re unaware of the complexities and depths of love. It simply means we’re not currently in a romantic relationship. There’s a big difference!

8. Single people are always on the hunt for a relationship.

This one wrongly assumes that all single people are desperately trying to find a partner at all times. The truth is, not every single person is on a quest to couple up. Many are content with their single status and aren’t looking to change it anytime soon. Respecting a single person’s choice is important. Whether we’re actively dating or not interested in relationships, our choice is valid.

9. Single people are incomplete without a partner.

Some people think that you need a partner to be a complete person, which is far from the truth. Single people are whole and complete on our own. Our identity and sense of self don’t depend on being part of a couple. When will people recognize that being single is a valid and whole lifestyle, not a transitional phase or a waiting period for something “better.”

10. Single people are desperate to hook up.

There’s a cliché that if you’re single, you must be out there looking for casual hook-ups all the time. While there’s nothing wrong with casual dating, assuming all single people are into that dismisses the diversity of our experiences and choices. Many single people might be focused on other aspects of life like career, travel, or personal growth, and are not necessarily focused on hook-ups or casual encounters. Some of us just really aren’t into them. Don’t generalize us!

11. Single people are bitter about relationships.

Just because someone is single doesn’t mean they’re bitter or jaded about relationships or love. It’s unfair to assume that single people hold negative feelings toward relationships or couples. Many of us are happy for our friends in relationships and are optimistic about love, even if we’re not actively looking for it right now.

12. Single people want to be set up by friends/family.

The assumption that single people are constantly looking to be set up on dates by friends or family is wrong and really intrusive. Not every single person is looking for a relationship, and for those who are, they might prefer to meet someone organically or through their own efforts. Respecting a single person’s autonomy in deciding how, when, and if they want to date is important. We don’t need you to tell us about every single person you know!

13. Single people are less mature than those who are coupled up.

Some think that being in a relationship is a sign of maturity and that being single indicates a lack of growth or development. This is obviously not true. Since we’re not in a romantic relationship, we have the opportunity to focus on personal development, self-awareness, and independence. Maturity is about how you handle life and relationships, not about your relationship status.

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Phoebe Mertens is a writer, speaker, and strategist who has helped dozens of female-founded and led companies reach success in areas such a finance, tech, science, and fashion. Her keen eye for detail and her innovative approach to modern womanhood makes her one of the most sought-out in her industry, and there's nothing she loves more than to see these companies shine.

With an MBA from NYU's Stern School of Business and features in Forbes and Fast Company she Phoebe has proven she knows her stuff. While she doesn't use social media, she does have a private Instagram just to look at pictures of cats.