These Are The 6 Types Of Women Most Likely To Cheat

These Are The 6 Types Of Women Most Likely To Cheat

The data is pretty clear: men are far more likely to cheat than women in relationships. However, more and more women are being unfaithful with every passing year, and while the numbers aren’t huge, they’re not insignificant. So, what makes them want to step out on their relationship? It all comes down to personality — and personal circumstances. While there’s no hard and fast rule here, these are the types of women more likely to cheat.

1. Women who need external validation

woman being cuddled by man on rooftop

It goes without saying that women with low self-esteem are going to be far more reliant on external validation than those who are self-assured and feel good in their own skin. Women who have always based their self-worth on the attention they receive from men are more likely to cheat because they’ll always be chasing the dopamine rush of being made to feel like they’re hot, desirable, and that they’ve still “got it.” Once the initial rush fades in their relationship, it won’t be long before they’re looking for it elsewhere. If another guy steps in and makes me feel like Kim Kardashian,

2. The unhappy but trapped

young couple fighting on couch

When a relationship goes south, the best course of action is, you know, ending it and getting out. However, many women may feel like this isn’t feasible. Maybe they’re financially dependent on their partners and can’t afford to move out/have nowhere else to go. It could be that they have kids and feel like breaking the family unit up would be a terrible thing. Whatever the reason, if they feel unhappy but don’t believe there’s a way out, they might cheat, especially if the person they’re cheating with offers them emotional support and an escape from their miserable home life.

3. The hopeless romantics

happy couple cuddling up outside

This is a bit of a strange one since you’d expect hopeless romantics to also be dedicated monogamists, but that’s not always the case. It’s a bit cliche, but a lot of relationships tend to lose the spark and become a thing of habit rather than desire. When that initial “Prince Charming come to sweep me off my feet” feeling fades and is nothing more than a distant memory, many women will be looking for that romance elsewhere. When a guy begins to woo them, they’ll be more likely to be open to it because they almost feel powerless to stop such a strong emotional reaction.

4. Materialistic women

couple having candlelit dinner outdoors

I hate to call out my fellow ladies for this, but there’s definitely a certain subset of women who are motivated purely by money. They’re looking for a well-to-do man who can pay their bills and put them in a lifestyle which they believe they’re entitled to. This lifestyle usually includes an “allowance” of sorts (or free reign with his credit card), regular gifting of luxury items, etc. If their current partner isn’t providing that or another man can level her up even further, she might cheat to get ahead. It’s a really terrible thing to do and incredibly shallow, but it does happen.

5. The revenge getters

woman looking at boyfriend's texts

While some relationships can survive cheating, generally speaking, once someone is unfaithful, that kinda puts the kibosh on the possibility of long-term success as a couple. When the trust is broken, it’s nearly possible to rebuild, especially since there will always be that nagging little question in the back of your mind thinking, “What if they do it again?” However, women who don’t want to deal with a split but also don’t want to feel like their partners have got one over on them might cheat out of revenge. They feel that if they sleep with someone else, they’ll be “even” and can move forward on even ground. Obviously, things never work that way, but you can’t tell them that…

6. Women who get bored easily

woman texting on phone while boyfriend looks

There are some women (and men!) who find it hard to stay engaged long-term in their relationships. Once the honeymoon period is over, they get itchy feet and start fantasizing about all the people they’re missing out on by being in their current relationship. They have a “grass is greener” mentality that tends to be their undoing in relationships, but that doesn’t stop them from making terrible decisions like cheating. When they meet someone else who offers that excitement and newness, they’re immediately pulled in and don’t really think about the effect it’ll have on their partners. This kind of selfish behavior is short-sighted and hurtful, but sadly, that doesn’t prevent it from happening.

Piper Ryan is a NYC-based writer and matchmaker who works to bring millennials who are sick of dating apps and the bar scene together in an organic and efficient way. To date, she's paired up more than 120 couples, many of whom have gone on to get married. Her work has been highlighted in The New York Times, Time Out New York, The Cut, and many more.

In addition to runnnig her own business, Piper is passionate about charity work, advocating for vulnerable women and children in her local area and across the country. She is currently working on her first book, a non-fiction collection of stories focusing on female empowerment.