Will I Ever Find Love? 50 Things To Remember If This Is You

The journey to find love is filled with a lot of uncertainties, disappointments, and high hopes (that are often dashed by terrible guys). After a while, you find yourself wondering if love will ever find its way to you.

If that thought has crossed your mind, you’re not alone. Love doesn’t adhere to schedules or societal expectations. Instead, it often surprises us when we least expect it. So, even if you’re questioning the path ahead, don’t freak out.

Instead, read on for some reminders that should uplift and inspire you when you’re starting to feel like love will just never happen for you and that you’re going to be alone forever. Love’s journey is unique for each of us, composed of experiences, challenges, and unexpected delights. Ready to embark on this exploration? Let’s begin.

Things to remember when you wonder, “Will I ever find love?”

  1. Love has no deadline. It’s essential to remember that there’s no expiration date on finding love. Society might make it seem like you should have it all figured out by a certain age, but in reality, love can bloom at any time. Some people find their soulmates early in life, while others discover love later on when they least expect it. Instead of focusing on a timeline, embrace the idea that your unique love story will unfold in its own time.
  2. You’re not alone. Loneliness and the fear of never finding love are common emotions that many people experience at some point. It’s crucial to recognize that you’re not alone in feeling this way. Sharing your thoughts and concerns with trusted friends or a therapist can provide comfort and support, helping you navigate this period of uncertainty.
  3. Self-love should always come first. Before embarking on a journey to find love with someone else, it’s vital to cultivate self-love. Loving and accepting yourself is the foundation of healthy relationships. When you value yourself, you set a high standard for how others should treat you, reducing the chances of settling for less than you deserve.
  4. Quality matters more than quantity. In the pursuit of love, remember that it’s far better to wait for the right person than to settle for a relationship that doesn’t fulfill you. Quality relationships are built on shared values, respect, and genuine connection. Embrace the idea that you deserve a love that enriches your life and brings out the best in both you and your partner.
  5. Everyone’s journey is unique. Comparing your love life to others’ can lead to unnecessary stress and anxiety. It’s essential to understand that everyone’s path to love is different. What worked for someone else might not work for you, and that’s perfectly okay. Embrace your own journey and trust that it will lead you to the right person at the right time.
  6. Stay open-minded. Love often has a way of surprising us when we least expect it. Be open to the possibility that it might come from places or people you hadn’t considered. Don’t limit yourself by sticking to a rigid idea of who your perfect partner should be. Sometimes, love finds you in the most unexpected and delightful ways.
  7. You should be focusing on your passions. While you’re on your journey to finding love, don’t forget to invest in yourself. Pursue your interests, hobbies, and passions with enthusiasm. Not only is this fulfilling and attractive, but it also provides opportunities to meet like-minded individuals who share your passions and values.
  8. Value friendships — they’ll be there when romantic relationships end. Meaningful friendships can be just as enriching as romantic relationships. Cherish the connections you have with your friends and the support they offer. These relationships can provide companionship, understanding, and emotional fulfillment while you navigate the path to finding romantic love.
  9. Your worth isn’t defined by your relationship status. It’s crucial to recognize that your self-worth is not contingent on being in a relationship. You are a complete and valuable individual on your own. A romantic partner should complement your life, not define it. When you fully embrace your worth, you become more attractive to potential partners who appreciate and respect you.
  10. It’s important to learn from past relationships. Reflect on past relationships, both the successes and the challenges. Each experience can offer valuable lessons that help you grow and make better choices in the future. Assess what worked and what didn’t, what you desire in a partner, and how you can be a better partner yourself. This self-awareness can guide you towards healthier and more fulfilling relationships down the road.
  11. You could always try online dating… If you’re open to it, online dating can be a valuable tool in expanding your social circle and meeting potential partners. It provides an opportunity to connect with people you might not encounter in your daily life. Keep in mind that online dating can be a mixed bag, so approach it with patience, an open heart, and a sense of curiosity. Be honest about your intentions and what you’re looking for, and don’t be discouraged by initial setbacks.
  12. It’s important to stay positive. Maintaining a positive mindset can have a profound impact on your love life. Positive energy is attractive, and it can draw like-minded, optimistic individuals into your orbit. Focus on the aspects of your life that bring you joy, practice gratitude, and surround yourself with people who uplift you. A positive outlook not only enhances your overall well-being but also increases your chances of finding a compatible partner who shares your positivity.
  13. Self-care is crucial. Prioritize self-care in your life. Caring for your physical and emotional well-being not only makes you feel better but also projects confidence and self-assuredness to others. Engage in activities that relax and rejuvenate you, such as exercise, meditation, reading, or spending time in nature. Self-care also involves setting healthy boundaries, knowing when to say no, and practicing self-compassion.
  14. Set healthy boundaries. In any relationship, setting and respecting boundaries is essential. Know your limits and communicate them clearly. Healthy boundaries foster trust, respect, and emotional safety. They help you maintain your individuality within a partnership and ensure that both you and your partner feel comfortable and respected.
  15. You can’t rush a good thing. Rushing into a relationship out of fear or impatience often leads to heartache. Take your time to get to know potential partners and allow the relationship to develop organically. Rushing can cloud your judgment and prevent you from truly connecting with someone on a deeper level. Remember that love is a journey, not a destination.
  16. There’s lots to enjoy about the single life. Being single has its perks, such as independence, freedom, and the opportunity to focus on personal growth. Embrace the single life and make the most of it. Pursue your interests, travel, socialize, and enjoy the spontaneity that comes with being unattached. When you’re content with your single status, you become more attractive to potential partners who admire your self-assuredness.
  17. You have time to travel and explore the world. Traveling and exploring new places can be a fantastic way to not only broaden your horizons but also meet new people. Whether you embark on solo adventures or join group tours, travel exposes you to different cultures and perspectives. You might cross paths with someone who shares your sense of adventure and curiosity.
  18. Volunteer or give back — it’ll give you so much fulfillment. Volunteering for a cause you’re passionate about is not only a fulfilling way to spend your time but also an excellent opportunity to meet like-minded individuals. Sharing a common cause can create strong connections and provide a sense of purpose. Plus, it allows you to make a positive impact on your community or the world at large.
  19. Now’s the time to focus on your career. A fulfilling career can contribute to your self-confidence and overall life satisfaction. Concentrate on your professional aspirations, set goals, and work toward them with dedication. Success in your career can enhance your self-esteem and attract partners who admire your ambition and drive.
  20. You have to let go of the past. Holding onto emotional baggage from past relationships can hinder your ability to move forward and embrace new love. Practice forgiveness, both for yourself and for those who have hurt you. Release the weight of resentment and allow yourself to heal. A clean emotional slate can make room for healthier and more fulfilling relationships in the future.
  21. There are plenty of people who will support you. Don’t hesitate to lean on your support system—whether it’s friends, family, or a therapist—when you’re feeling overwhelmed or discouraged about finding love. Talking to others about your feelings and fears can provide valuable insights and emotional relief. Often, those close to you can offer perspectives and encouragement that you might not see on your own.
  22. You should always trust your instincts. Your intuition is a powerful guide in matters of the heart. Trust your gut feeling when you meet someone new or navigate the complexities of dating. Your instincts can often sense red flags or chemistry that might not be immediately apparent on the surface. While it’s important to give people a chance, listening to your inner voice can help you make informed decisions.
  23. You can keep growing even without a boyfriend. Personal growth is an ongoing journey, and it plays a significant role in attracting the right partner. Continuously work on improving yourself—whether it’s through education, developing new skills, or expanding your horizons. Growth makes you a more interesting and attractive individual, and it increases your compatibility with potential partners who share your values and aspirations.
  24. You should never settle for less. Settling for a relationship that doesn’t align with your values, desires, or vision of love can lead to unhappiness and regret. Hold out for a partnership that truly fulfills you emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. It’s better to be single than to compromise your happiness for the sake of being in a relationship that doesn’t meet your needs.
  25. Open communication is the way to go. Healthy relationships thrive on open and honest communication. Be transparent about your thoughts, feelings, and expectations when dating or in a relationship. Effective communication fosters trust, understanding, and emotional intimacy, creating a strong foundation for lasting love.
  26. Love can happen at any age. Love knows no age limit. People find meaningful connections and build lasting relationships at various stages of life. Embrace the idea that it’s never too early or too late to experience love. Whether you’re in your twenties or your fifties, each age brings unique opportunities for romantic connections.
  27. Failed relationships can help you succeed in future ones. Every relationship, even those that don’t work out, provides valuable insights. Reflect on past relationships to identify patterns, areas for personal growth, and lessons learned. By understanding what went wrong and what went right, you can make informed choices in future relationships and improve your chances of finding lasting love.
  28. You should always celebrate your achievements. Take pride in your accomplishments, both big and small. Your achievements are a testament to your strength, resilience, and ability to overcome challenges. Celebrating your successes not only boosts your self-esteem but also makes you more attractive to potential partners who admire your confidence and self-assuredness.
  29. Positive affirmations could lift your spirits. Positive affirmations are powerful tools for boosting self-esteem and cultivating a positive mindset. Create affirmations that reinforce your self-worth and belief in finding love. Repeating these affirmations daily can help you stay focused on your journey and attract positive energy into your life. Examples include “I am deserving of love,” “I am open to new opportunities,” and “I am capable of forming a loving and lasting relationship.”
  30. Family love counts, you know. The love and support of your family members are valuable and meaningful. Sometimes, we overlook the love that surrounds us within our families while searching for romantic love. Cherish the bonds you share with your family, as these relationships provide a strong foundation of love and security in your life.
  31. Take time to celebrate your individuality. Embrace your uniqueness and individuality. You are a one-of-a-kind person with your own quirks, interests, and strengths. Instead of trying to conform to someone else’s idea of who you should be, celebrate your authenticity. Authenticity is attractive, and it draws people who appreciate you for who you truly are.
  32. Stay social. Engaging in social activities and maintaining an active social life can increase your chances of meeting potential partners. Attend gatherings, join clubs or groups that align with your interests, and say yes to invitations. Socializing provides opportunities to connect with others and potentially find someone who shares your values and passions.
  33. It’s never a bad time to embrace self-discovery. Use this time of searching for love as an opportunity for self-discovery. Reflect on your likes, dislikes, values, and goals. Understanding yourself better can help you make informed choices when it comes to dating and selecting a partner who truly aligns with your desires and aspirations.
  34. Be patient with yourself. It’s essential to practice self-compassion and be patient with yourself during your journey to find love. Feeling doubts, fears, or moments of frustration is entirely natural. Remember that it’s okay to have these feelings and that they do not define your worthiness of love. Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding you would offer to a dear friend.
  35. Creating a vision board gives you purpose. A vision board is a creative tool that can help you visualize your desires and goals, including your vision of love. Collect images, words, and symbols that represent the kind of love and relationship you aspire to have. Display your vision board in a prominent place as a daily reminder of your intentions and dreams.
  36. Don’t ever chase love. Pursuing love with desperation or excessive intensity can be counterproductive. Love is most fulfilling when it’s mutual and based on genuine connection. Allow love to unfold naturally, and don’t force or chase it. Focus on building authentic connections with others, and love will find its way to you when the time is right.
  37. It’s vital that you learn to forgive.: Forgiveness is a powerful act of self-liberation. Holding onto grudges or resentment from past relationships can be emotionally burdensome and can hinder your ability to attract positive energy. Practice forgiveness for your own well-being. Forgiving others doesn’t mean condoning their actions but rather releasing the negative emotions that hold you back.
  38. You are always enough. Always remember that you are enough just as you are. You don’t need someone else to complete you or validate your worth. Embrace your individuality and self-worth, and carry this self-assuredness into your interactions with potential partners. When you believe in your intrinsic value, others are more likely to see it too.
  39. Laugh often — it’ll keep your spirits up. Laughter is a universal language of connection and joy. Don’t underestimate the power of humor in forging connections and creating memorable experiences. Seek out opportunities to laugh with friends, family, and potential partners. Laughter not only strengthens bonds but also adds a delightful dimension to your life.
  40. Embrace all the great stuff about singlehood. Instead of viewing singlehood as a waiting period for love, consider it an opportunity for personal growth and self-discovery. Embrace the freedom and independence that come with being single. Use this time to invest in yourself, pursue your passions, and build a life that makes you happy.
  41. Enjoy your freedom. Being single provides a unique sense of freedom. You have the flexibility to make decisions based solely on your desires and preferences. Whether it’s traveling on a whim, pursuing a new hobby, or spending weekends exactly as you please, savor the freedom that singlehood offers.
  42. Date for fun — why not? Not every date has to lead to a long-term commitment. Dating can be a fun and enjoyable experience on its own. Approach dating with a lighthearted attitude, focusing on getting to know new people and creating memorable moments. When you remove the pressure of finding “the one,” you open yourself up to more relaxed and authentic connections.
  43. Stay true to your values, no matter what. Your values and principles are the foundation of your identity. When it comes to love, it’s essential to stay true to these values. Identify the qualities and values that are non-negotiable for you in a partner and relationship. This clarity will guide you in making decisions aligned with your authentic self.
  44. Love takes time. Building a deep, meaningful connection with someone often takes time and patience. Avoid rushing the process or expecting instant, intense feelings. Allow relationships to naturally evolve, and don’t be discouraged by initial uncertainties. The gradual development of love can be a beautiful and rewarding journey.
  45. Focus on the present. While it’s natural to think about the future and your long-term goals, remember to savor the present moment. Happiness and contentment are found in the here and now. Be mindful of the experiences, connections, and joys that each day brings. When you focus on the present, you’ll find greater fulfillment in your daily life.
  46. Let go of things that no longer serve you. Letting go of control and expectations can be liberating in your quest for love. Release the need to micromanage every aspect of your dating life or future relationships. Embrace the idea that love can’t be forced or controlled. By surrendering some control, you allow love to unfold naturally.
  47. Respect yourself. Self-respect is the cornerstone of healthy relationships. Treat yourself with the same respect, kindness, and consideration that you expect from a partner. When you uphold your self-worth, you set a standard for how others should treat you in return. Healthy self-respect is an attractive quality.
  48. Recognize the progress you’re making. Acknowledge your personal growth and progress along the way. Celebrate the steps you’ve taken to become a more confident and self-aware individual. Recognize that your journey toward love is marked by moments of growth, self-discovery, and resilience.
  49. Seek joy everywhere. Pursue joy in your everyday life. Whether it’s through hobbies, spending time with loved ones, or engaging in activities that make your heart sing, actively seek out joy. A joyful and contented life not only makes you more appealing to potential partners but also enhances your overall well-being.
  50. Love will find you when it’s meant to happen. Perhaps the most important reminder of all is that love has a way of finding its way to you when the time is right. Trust in the timing of your life’s journey. Sometimes, we become so focused on actively seeking love that we forget that it often arrives unexpectedly, when we least anticipate it. Instead of constantly searching, have faith that love will find you when you’re ready, and when the circumstances align. This trust in the universe’s timing can bring a sense of peace and contentment to your heart, allowing you to enjoy the present moment and all the beautiful experiences it holds.
Jennifer Still is a writer and editor with more than 10 years of experience. The managing editor of Bolde, she has bylines in Vanity Fair, Business Insider, The New York Times, Glamour, Bon Appetit, and many more. You can follow her on Twitter @jenniferlstill