Have you been dished the “crazy girlfriend” label? It sucks, but maybe there’s a bit of truth to it. Don’t get mad, but maybe you’re always texting and double-texting your aboyfriend or accusing him of things when you have no evidence. Maybe you expect him to be around you 24-7. Ring a bell? The good news is you can shake that label off and stop acting crazy in your relationship. Here are 10 ways to do it right now.
1. Get A Hobby.
If you want to be with your partner all the time and you don’t give your partner a chance to do their own thing, this can make you come across as “crazy.” You’re being a tad clingy and demanding. Ugh. Instead of focusing so much on their life, focus on yours. Get a new hobby or interest, or take time to chase a goal you’re passionate about. Concentrate on your life instead of trying to make your partner your life – the latter never works.
2. Bring It Back To Respect.
Sometimes, the simplest things are required to keep your relationship growing and in a good place. Make it a rule to treat your partner with respect, such as by listening to what they have to say instead of shutting them down, supporting their interests instead of mocking them, and valuing what they need to be happy instead of only focusing on your needs. When you do this, you can expect it in return.
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4. Don’t Share Every Thought.
Newsflash: you don’t have to share every single thought you have with your partner. If you’re suspecting them of cheating but you don’t have solid proof, you don’t have to tell them you want to steal their social media passwords. If you sometimes worry that they’re going to dump you, you don’t have to tell them while sobbing about how that scares you. You’re just giving them ammo to blame you for being crazy.
5. Vent To Your Friends.
Instead of talking to your partner about everything that you’re thinking and suspecting, or expressing your negative thoughts on a loop to them, you should rather talk to your friends. They’ll help you dissect your thoughts and feelings, and get to the root of them. Or, speak to a psychologist so you can work through whatever’s bothering you, in a way that’s above your partner’s pay grade.
6. Look After Yourself.
Feeling crazy in love when you’re not sleeping well and you’re not eating because your stomach is churning with butterflies basically means you’re not looking after yourself. So, you’re entering the relationship every day feeling drained, tired, and hungry. Not good! Take care of yourself by sleeping well, eating healthy, and giving yourself love.
7. Boost Your Self-Esteem.
You can’t expect your partner to bolster your confidence and self-worth. First, that’s not their job. Second, you should never place your worthiness in someone else’s hands. You need to fill your own cup, as they say. Give your self-esteem a boost by being kind to yourself and respecting yourself. See yourself as valuable so you deal with insecurities that can wreck a relationship.
8. Meet Your Needs.
Do you enter a relationship thinking that your partner has to fulfil all your needs? Sorry to say this, but it’s unreasonable. You can’t expect one person to be and do everything you need. It’s unfair to both of you. Focus on what your needs are and strive to meet them yourself. That way, you’re a healthy, complete person in your relationship, not someone who’s waiting for their partner to complete them. Ugh.
9. Trust Yourself.
Trust is difficult in relationships, especially if you’ve got trust issues. You might worry that your partner’s going to lie to you or betray you, which makes you hold yourself back or lash out. Listen, you can’t trust anyone 100 percent, but you can trust yourself. Know that you’ll deal with whatever happens so your trust issues don’t rule you. Now you can give your partner a bit of the benefit of the doubt to show you who they are.
10. Give Your Partner Space.
Both you and your partner need to have some space in your relationship. It’s healthy! You’re not supposed to be glued to each other 24-7. It’s especially worrying if you’re making your partner feel like you want to stare at them all day. Eek! Listen, let your partner hang with their friends and do things without you. Let them miss you a bit!
11. Deal With Your Grudges.
You and your partner recently had an argument over something silly, but even after you made up, you held onto what they did to upset you and plan to throw it in their face in five months when they irritate you again. Yikes. Holding a grudge and using it in the future comes off as malicious (’cause it kinda is). Your partner will feel like you’re keeping tabs instead of letting the relationship flow naturally.