Your relationship’s wrecked but time apart from your ex has made you realize just how much you should be with them. It sucks, but is there any way to try to get things back on track with them? Is a relationship sequel in store? While there are no guarantees that your ex is still interested in you, there are some things you can say to try to fix things. Here are 13 things to say to get your ex back.
1. Say Nothing (For A While).
Although you want to jump in and get back in touch with your ex, you shouldn’t try to make contact too soon after the breakup. Sticking to the no-contact rule for a while helps to give your ex time to sort through their feelings, and it gives you the chance to do the same thing, especially since you want to be 100 percent sure that you want them back.
2. “I’m Sorry For What I Did.”
If you were to blame for the breakup or you did things during the relationship that weren’t cool, it’s time to step up and apologize. Tell your ex how sorry you really are for what you did and explain how you’ve grown from your mistakes – that’s crucial to show them that you’ve changed since then. It’s not enough to just say sorry. You’ve got to show you mean it!
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4. “Do You Remember That Time…”
If you’re chatting to your ex, it can help to talk about good memories and the fun times you both shared. Maybe you went on an amazing vacation or you adopted the cutest kitten together. Walking down memory lane can help to cultivate happy feelings about the relationship and keep them in your ex’s mind.
5. “You Were The Kindest Person I’ve Ever Met…”
Although you don’t want to be OTT with compliments because it gives the impression that you’ve got a hidden agenda, it can help to show your ex how much you value them with some genuine, kind words. Maybe your ex was the kindest person you met or the most creative person to be around. Whatever positive thing they did that left an impression on you, tell them about it!
6. “I’m Doing Great.”
You won’t get your ex back if you paint a picture that you’re sitting in a dark room depressed and your life has stopped since the breakup. Um, pity party for one over here? Instead, show them that you’re doing great. Tell them about the cool things you’ve been doing and show them that you’re excited about your life. This will be more appealing and will draw them in.
7. “How Have You Been?”
Speak to your ex about their life since the breakup. Ask them questions about what they’ve been up to during your time apart and be genuinely interested in what they have to say. Don’t just ask them things to suss out if they’re dating anyone new. You’ve got to treat them like a friend for a while to figure them out and make them see that you’re keen to learn about them.
8. “I Do Miss You.”
If you’ve been chatting to your ex via text for a while, you might want to throw in that you miss them. But, don’t rush in and tell them that you’re missing them tons right off the bat as it can come on too strong or feel inappropriate. If you’re vibing with the person and you’re getting along, you can mention that you miss them.
9. “Do You Wanna Join Me At My Dance Class?”
While catching up with your ex, you might feel brave enough to ask them if they’d like to join you for a dance class/fitness class/movie premiere. Whatever it is, if you used to share similar interests and hobbies, you could invite them to something they’d like. This is more casual than asking them to coffee and it doesn’t have to sound like a date.
10. “I’m Ready To Fix Things.”
Whether or not you’ve apologized to your ex for breaking up, it’s good to show that you’re willing to solve problems in your relationship. Maybe there were trust issues or you guys struggled to communicate effectively. Whatever the case, be clear that you’re ready and willing to sort things out so you can move forward.
11. “I Want To Give You Space To Figure Things Out.”
After stating your case about wanting to fix things, make sure you mention that you’ll give your ex space to think about things and figure things out. This shows them that you’re not going to be harassing them for an answer or that you’re expecting them to jump back into how things were. It’s respectful and can help you both to rebuild your trust.
12. “Your Selfie Is Hot.”
If you chat to your ex regularly, it doesn’t hurt to flirt a bit to show some interest. Just don’t overdo it with tons of flirtatious comments as that can make them lose effect. So, if you see that they shared a new selfie on social media, let them know they look good. Or, if you run into them at the store, tell them you love their new hairstyle.
13. “This Made Me Think Of You.”
It’s not always easy to tell your ex that you think of them all the time. So, sending a meme that reminds you of your ex can be a cool way to send the message. If it’s a funny meme, even better, as it can remind them of times when you both would belly laugh so hard until you cried. By doing this, you’re showing them they’re on your mind and you’re sharing memories of good times – it’s a double win!
14. “Do You Think About What Could’ve Been?”
It’s good to ask your ex if they ever think about what it would’ve been like if you’d stayed together or what would happen if you got back together. This will help you suss out where they’re at in terms of dating for a second time. But, brace yourself ’cause they might not have a pleasing answer. Be ready for it but whatever happens, at least you’ve been brave enough to put yourself out there.