One of the annoying things about wanting to find love is that you don’t know when it’s coming. It could be today, tomorrow, or a few months from now—the point is, that a big part of looking for love is about embracing the unknown. For those of us who don’t love doing that, don’t worry. We’re sharing some subtle signs that can give you clues as to whether you’re going to find love soon.
1. You see love everywhere.
Seemingly out of nowhere, you’re surrounded by couples holding hands, love songs, and the tiny romantic things in everyday life. The best part about it is you don’t feel jealous, you actually feel excited about what’s to come. This is the universe signaling to you that love is just around the corner.
2. You’re standing in your worth.
When you want to be in love, it can be hard to walk away from things that seem almost perfect. But here’s the thing: when you start instantly walking away from people and situations that don’t serve you or align with your most authentic self, the universe listens. It knows that you’re serious and ready for a change, and it puts people in your path that do align.
3. You’re letting go of past relationships.
We all have that track in our minds that play out scenarios of what could’ve gone differently. When that stops, it could mean that love is close. It’s kind of like “when one door closes, another one opens,” in that you’re making space for a new love by releasing an old one. (BTW, if you want some help on your journey to find love, our sister site, Sweetn, can help. Their research-backed tips, tricks, and advice are changing love lives around the world!)
4. You’re more patient.
We’ll take a wild guess that at times you’ve felt really impatient about finding the one. We’ve all been there, but when you no longer feel that insecurity and need to rush, that’s a sign that it’s all going to work out. You’ve accepted that things come in their own time and they’re coming soon.
5. You’ve had a shift in your energy.
We see you with the sudden surge of positivity! We’re not saying you think everything is perfect, but you are able to see things from a more rosy perspective. When you put good things into the universe, the universe reciprocates.
6. You’re more magnetic.
Are strangers chatting you up randomly? That’s probably because you’re emitting an open energy and that open energy tells the universe you’re ready to receive! The more you show you’re not shutting yourself off from new opportunities, the more new opportunities will present themselves.
7. You’re having dreams about love.
You can think of dreams, especially romantic ones, as the universe’s way of priming your subconscious to get ready for the love that’s coming! Keep a notebook by your bed and write down any strong images or messages you see in your dream. This will help you notice those patterns IRL.
8. Your intuition is heightened.
Interesting things will start happening, like you’ll get a gut feeling to walk into a bookstore you’re passing by and end up striking up a conversation with an attractive stranger. When you become connected with your gut instinct, the universe points you in the right direction to find love.
9. You feel confident being alone.
When you feel bad about being single, it puts you in a desperate and closed-off state of mind. When you’re cool with being by yourself and can genuinely enjoy your own company, that shows that you’re ready to share yourself and your life with someone else.
10. You keep crossing paths with the same person.
You know that person who you keep running into? They seem to have the same grocery, gym, or whatever schedule as you and you’ve noticed. Well, that’s probably not a coincidence—the universe puts people in our paths for a reason. Whether they’re “the one” or just another step closer to the one, it’s a sign that you should pay attention to.
11. There’s a whole lot of synchronicity happening.
If things seem to just “work out,” like the fact that you get on the bus right as the doors are closing or new opportunities are flowing your way, then that’s a sign. The universe is trying to tell you that your luck is taking a turn and that you’re supported in finding the love you’re looking for.
12. You have the urge to say “yes” to everything.
You’re typically more inclined to say “no,” but, for some reason, you find yourself saying “yes” to everything—that random get-together with your high school friends or the out of nowhere date an old acquaintance wants to set you up on. You feel in the flow of receiving unexpected things. That can only mean that more is coming.
13. You’re being true to yourself.
When you’re living in your authenticity, magic happens. Seriously, when you’re operating at such a high and aligned vibe, you start to attract things that match that. So, keep being you, and love will follow.
14. You’ve made other changes in your life.
Whether it’s in your career, friendships, or just general personal growth, when you make an effort to create the best environment you can for yourself, more good things follow. Think of it this way: you’re setting up your life to align with what you really want. What better space is there for a partner to enter?
15. Everything else is aligning.
Maybe you just got offered a new job with a huge salary bump or your side hustle is really kicking off. When the things in your life (other than love) are falling into place, that’s an invitation for the universe to send you your person.
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