How To Tell If A Guy Likes You Through Text: 33 Surprising Signs

Navigating the digital realm of emojis, GIFs, and late-night “hey” messages often feels like trying to decode a foreign language. But nestled between those blue bubbles and read receipts, there are subtle cues hinting he’s genuinely into you. Before you start overthinking that quirky meme he sent or the frequency of his exclamation marks, consider these 33 signs that he actually likes you and is trying to convey that via text. He might just be messaging with more than casual banter on his mind.

How to tell if he likes you over text

  1. He texts you all the time. When a guy is frequently sending you messages, it’s a clear indicator that he enjoys your company, even if it’s virtual. It’s not just about the quantity but also the consistency. If he’s making an effort to reach out to you throughout the day, it suggests you’re often on his mind. Consistent texting can be a genuine sign of budding interest.
  2. He sends you good morning and good night texts. These particular messages are intimate in their own right. Wishing someone a good morning means they’re one of the first things on his mind as he starts his day. Similarly, a goodnight text signifies that he’s thinking of you as he winds down. It’s a subtle yet potent sign that he’s establishing a routine that involves you.
  3. He asks you personal questions that are well-thought-out. Surface-level conversations can be maintained with just about anyone. However, when he delves into personal questions, trying to understand your likes, dislikes, past experiences, dreams, or even fears, it showcases genuine interest. He’s attempting to know the person behind the texts, indicating he’s interested in more than just a fleeting connection.
  4. He remembers your past conversations in detail. If he remembers something you mentioned offhandedly a few days or even weeks ago, it’s a strong sign he’s paying close attention. Recalling past conversations—whether it’s that upcoming job interview you were anxious about or the movie you planned to watch—shows he values your exchanges and is actively engaged in the dialogue.
  5. He uses your name a lot. There’s a unique warmth and intimacy when someone uses your name in a conversation. It can create a deeper connection, even if it’s just over text. Instead of a generic “Hey,” if he often greets you with a “Hey [Your Name],” it shows a personal touch, hinting that he feels a closer bond with you.
  6. He sends lengthy replies to your texts. One-word replies can often feel dismissive. On the other hand, if he’s taking the time to craft longer, thought-out responses, it indicates he’s invested in the conversation. He’s not just replying out of obligation but genuinely wants to engage, share, and connect with you.
  7. He uses a lot of emojis. In the absence of face-to-face interactions, emojis can play a vital role in conveying emotions over text. Whether it’s a simple smiley, a blushing face, or even playful emojis, they can add an emotional layer to the conversation. If he frequently uses them, especially ones that convey warmth or affection, it can be his way of adding a touch of sentiment to his words.
  8. He shares a lot of personal details. When he starts sharing snippets from his life—be it anecdotes, experiences, or personal feelings—it suggests he trusts you. By opening up, he’s allowing you a glimpse into his world, indicating he views you as someone special and not just another contact in his phone.
  9. He compliments you a lot. Compliments, when genuine, can light up any conversation. If he frequently admires your intelligence, wit, or even the way you express yourself, it’s a sign he’s noticing and valuing your unique qualities. It’s one thing to get a compliment on a shared photo, but when he appreciates aspects of your personality, it’s a deeper level of admiration.
  10. He initiates a lot of your conversations. If he’s the one often kickstarting the chats, it’s a promising sign. Instead of waiting for you to reach out, he’s taking the initiative, indicating eagerness and genuine interest in conversing with you. It shows that he’s not only responsive but proactive in keeping the connection alive.
  11. He’s super flirty. Flirting is a timeless indicator of romantic interest and is one of the most obvious signs he likes you, especially when it happens via text. If his texts are often playful, teasing, or come with subtle innuendos, he’s likely trying to establish a romantic rapport. Textual flirting can be tricky since it’s without the aid of body language, but hints of playfulness or complimenting in a teasing manner are good indicators.
  12. He shows concern when you’ve had a bad day. When he inquires about your well-being, asks how your day went, or checks in when you’ve mentioned you’re feeling down, it goes beyond casual conversation. This concern for your day-to-day life and emotions indicates he genuinely cares about your happiness and well-being.
  13. He doesn’t take forever to reply. Everyone has their texting habits, and while it’s essential not to read too much into response times, consistent quick replies can hint at eagerness. If he’s often swift with his responses, it may indicate he’s excited to talk to you and values your conversation.
  14. He shares a lot of his personal photos. When he starts sharing pictures—whether it’s his daily activities, a funny meme, or even an old childhood photo—it’s a way of letting you into his life. These visuals allow for a more personal connection and indicate he wants you to be a part of his everyday experiences, no matter how big or small.
  15. He talks a lot about future plans. Mentioning future plans, be it a movie he’d like to watch with you or an event he thinks you’d enjoy, is a strong sign of interest. By projecting into the future, he’s subtly hinting at a desire to continue having you in his life and to share experiences together.
  16. He sends random jokes your way. Whether it’s a funny incident at work, a song he just heard, or a random thought that crossed his mind, these spontaneous texts show he wants to share moments with you. It’s a sign that even small, seemingly insignificant parts of his day remind him of you.
  17. He never ghosts you mid-conversation. Consistency in communication is vital. If he’s always present in your chats, never leaving you on read for days without an explanation, it showcases respect and genuine interest. Ghosting can be hurtful and confusing, so his consistent presence signifies he values the connection you both share.
  18. He’s always sharing his favorite stuff with you. When he starts talking about his favorite movies, songs, books, or even personal memories, he’s not only sharing his likes but also trying to find common ground. By discussing things close to his heart, he’s checking for compatibility and looking for shared interests that could deepen your bond.
  19. His texts feel genuine. Beyond the words, there’s an underlying tone to every text. If his messages feel sincere, heartfelt, and not just like rehearsed lines, it’s a sign he’s being genuine. Authenticity is key, and if you feel he’s real with you, it indicates trust and genuine affection.
  20. He jokes around a lot. Humor can be a fantastic bridge in any relationship. If he often cracks jokes, shares funny stories, or engages in witty banter with you, it shows he’s comfortable around you. Shared laughter, even over text, can create a bond and indicates he enjoys your interactions.
  21. He wouldn’t dream of sending you one-word answers. When someone is genuinely interested in conversing, they tend to avoid one-word replies like “Yes”, “No”, or “Okay”. Instead, if he’s providing more extended, elaborative responses, it shows he’s keen to keep the conversation flowing. Engaging discussions are often a sign of mutual interest and effort from both sides.
  22. He openly shares his vulnerabilities. It takes a certain level of trust and comfort to expose one’s vulnerabilities. If he occasionally confides in you about his fears, anxieties, or past mistakes, it shows he trusts you enough to be open. This is a strong indicator that he values the emotional connection you’re forming through your conversations.
  23. He remains an active part of all your conversations and never makes you carry the load. Noticeable activity like typing indicators, asking follow-up questions, and proactively steering the conversation indicates engagement. If he’s always present and contributing meaningfully, it means he’s genuinely into the chat and values your input.
  24. He often tells you how much he misses talking to you. If he ever mentions that he missed your conversations or wishes he could text you more often, it’s a blatant sign he enjoys your company. Expressing a desire for more frequent or longer conversations indicates a longing to grow closer.
  25. He notices when you’re not around. If you don’t text for a day or two and he reaches out asking if everything’s okay or mentioning he noticed your silence, it’s a clear sign you’re on his mind. This observance shows that he’s not only aware of your patterns but is also affected by your absence.
  26. He’s an enthusiastic user of exclamation points. While it might seem trivial, the way someone uses punctuation can say a lot. Regular use of exclamations in his texts, like “That’s amazing!” or “Can’t wait!”, can indicate enthusiasm and excitement in speaking with you.
  27. He talks to you about his dreams and aspirations. When a guy shares his dreams, hopes, and aspirations, it’s a sign he wants you to know him on a deeper level. By letting you in on his future plans and visions, he’s conveying that he sees potential for you in his life’s bigger picture.
  28. He tries to comfort you when you’re feeling down. If he senses you’re upset or going through a challenging time and offers words of comfort, encouragement, or even just a listening ear, it’s a sign of genuine care. His willingness to be there for you, even through text, indicates a deeper connection.
  29. He uses phrases that hint at togetherness. Phrases like “we should”, “imagine if we”, or “us together” subtly hint at a desire for togetherness. By positioning both of you together in hypothetical scenarios or future plans, he’s indicating a wish for a more profound connection.
  30. He respects your boundaries. If you ever mention topics you’re uncomfortable discussing or times you’re unavailable to chat, and he respects the boundaries you set without prying or getting upset, it shows maturity and genuine respect for your boundaries.
  31. He sends voice messages or calls just to hear your voice. If this isn’t one of the biggest signs he likes you (via text or otherwise), I don’t know what is. While texting is great, sometimes a voice message or a spontaneous call can bridge the gap of physical absence. If he occasionally opts for these more personal modes of communication, it’s a sign he wants to hear your voice and connect on a deeper level.
  32. He teases you to make you laugh. Light-hearted teasing can be a fun way of flirting and showing affection. If he occasionally teases you in a playful, non-offensive manner, it can indicate he’s comfortable around you and wants to establish a closer rapport.
  33. He truly values your opinions. When he asks for your opinions on personal matters or even random topics and genuinely respects and considers them, it’s a sign he values your intellect and perspective. It indicates he sees you as an equal partner in the conversation and values your insights.

Texts to send a guy who’s sending you signs he likes you

Where a single emoji can carry the weight of a thousand words and a ‘seen’ receipt can send our thoughts into a tailspin. If you’ve picked up on signs that a guy might be into you through text, first off, congrats! Those digital cues can be subtle. Now, the question is, how do you respond? Let’s break it down.

  1. Keep it genuine. First things first, always be yourself. If he’s showing interest, he’s into the real you, not a carefully crafted, “text-perfect” version. Keep your conversations genuine. It’s fine to think before you text, but overthinking every response can drain the fun out of the conversation.
  2. Engage in his interests. Did he send you a link to a song he likes? Take a listen. Maybe he mentioned a movie he watched recently. If you’ve seen it too, share your thoughts. Engaging in his interests isn’t about pretending to like what he likes but about building common ground.
  3. Be curious! Ask questions. If he mentions his weekend plans, check in later and ask how it went. Show that you’re not just interested in the now but also in getting to know him better. Being curious encourages deeper, more meaningful conversations.
  4. Pick your emojis and gifts wisely. Emojis and GIFs are the spices of the texting world. A little can add flavor, but too much can be overwhelming. Use them to emphasize a point or inject some humor, but try to strike a balance. Remember, it’s the content of the conversation that counts.
  5. Initiate the conversation sometimes. While there’s no need to always be the first one to say “hi”, don’t shy away from initiating conversations. It shows him you’re just as interested and eager to chat. Plus, it takes the pressure off him to always get the ball rolling.
  6. Get a good understanding of timing. Not everyone can text back immediately, and that’s okay. Maybe he’s at work, busy with friends, or just taking some alone time. The same goes for you. It’s okay not to be glued to your phone 24/7. Respect each other’s time and understand that delayed responses aren’t necessarily a sign of disinterest.
  7. Share things about your day. Tell him about that funny incident at work or the new recipe you tried out. Sharing snippets from your day not only keeps the conversation flowing but also lets him get to know you better.
  8. Try a bit of light flirting. If you’re feeling it, it’s okay to throw in some light-hearted flirting. Maybe tease him a bit about his obsession with that one TV show or compliment his new profile picture. Flirting through text can feel less intimidating, and it’s a fun way to gauge mutual interest.
  9. Take it offline sooner rather than later. Texting is fantastic, but don’t let it be the only mode of communication. If you’re both comfortable, suggest a voice call, a video chat, or even hanging out in person. Moving the conversation to a different platform can help you both connect on a deeper level.
Phoebe Mertens is a writer, speaker, and strategist who has helped dozens of female-founded and led companies reach success in areas such a finance, tech, science, and fashion. Her keen eye for detail and her innovative approach to modern womanhood makes her one of the most sought-out in her industry, and there's nothing she loves more than to see these companies shine.

With an MBA from NYU's Stern School of Business and features in Forbes and Fast Company she Phoebe has proven she knows her stuff. While she doesn't use social media, she does have a private Instagram just to look at pictures of cats.